I have had numerous questions about how to make and use compost tea from Tomato Tone. In this article I will explain, as best as I possibly can, how I have successfully used Tomato Tone tea to produce some of the best tomatoes in the world. In another article, I have written more about the various ways that I use this great fertilizer, specially formulated to provide everything tomato plants need throughout the season.

My Observations Since Using Tomato Tone

Before I started using this awesome Espoma product, I used many different brands and blends of fertilizers. I had plenty of successes, but nothing like I am having now. Since converting, one of the things that I have noticed, is that  I haven’t had any incidents of blossom end rot. Another improvement is in the area of production. My plants have been healthier and produce at least 25% more fruits. I also love that plants never get burned, even when I am heavy-handed with my tea. Plants are always very responsive to a needed drink of TT tea. Within a few days of feeding, they visually come alive!

What I Use For Measuring

I do not use a standard size measuring cup, but this explanation will give you a better idea of how I successfully use and make compost tea.  I use containers that I have around the house from my Chinese food store purchase. (Love Chinese Food). Yearly, I grow an average of 700-800 plants. , So I make a lot of tea! Normally, I go through 6-8, eighteen pound bags per year. This includes using the straight pellets/granules in my planting holes and that first drink of tea to water them in when transplanted.

After that first drink, I do not feed for another 3-4 weeks. I then continue to feed every 3 weeks from that point. Each time I feed or water from that point, I use 1 quart per plant. If  there are lengthy periods of dry weather,  watering is done twice weekly. If not, once weekly, unless it has rained. I try to water directly on the root-ball of the plant.

Ratio Of Tomato Tone To Water

1 Quart = 2 pints= 4 cups= 64Tbs =32 ounces = 2lbs.

1 Pint = 2 cups =32Tbs =16 ounces =1lb 

1 Cup = 16 Tbs = 8 ounces

1/4 Cup = 4Tbs =2 ounces

For quick mix, use warm water and let mix sit for 1 hour before use. 

I do my mixing in 5 gallon buckets. My mixture is, one full cup (8 ounces) see picture above, per 5 gallon bucket. To save time, I measure and mix (in one bucket), enough to supply 10 buckets of tea.  After tea is made I just divide the concentrate in 10, then fill the rest of the buckets with water. If you are making smaller quantities, like one gallon, just for a few plants,  simply do the math. I use 1/4 to 1/2 cup per gallon of tea. Remember your plants will not get burnt even if you are way over the recommended amounts.

NOTE: Tomato Tone tea will begin to develop a stench after a few days of non-use. It usually becomes worse with every passing day. It still can be used and would not hurt your plants, just your ego!

I believe Tomato Tone is sold in 4, 8 and 18 pound bag quantities. I purchase the 18 pound bags for about fifteen dollars each. There may also be smaller quantities available, inquire! PS: Watch out for end of season sales, where TT and other organic fertilizers can be purchased for as much as half that costs . Espoma Tomato Tone stores excellently in cool dry places.

Let me know if this article helped!!

~Curtis T Maters~