Dwarf Tomato Varieties Perfect For Kids

Are dwarf tomato varieties perfect for kids? I would say yes. I was 7 years old when I started gardening and growing tomatoes. It played a major part in my life, one that led me to many rewarding discoveries and a lifetime of respect for nature, health, love for my brother- man, world peace and even music. Throughout the years, one of my biggest passions has been giving back, especially to kids. So this article is very close to my heart!

What I Was Thinking About Gardening As A Kid  

I remember thinking that my family would have more to eat if I could grow a few things. We were poor! So I started collecting tomato seeds from the rejected tomatoes at our local market. they could have been all the same varieties, perhaps non-heirlooms, but whatever I could find, I took them home and planted them directly in the un-prepared soil (I did not know better). I did this for about there years, and they always grew. I was able to harvest tomatoes, perhaps not as many as I had hoped. But growing had worked it’s way into my heart!

Never A Chore Always An Activity 

A few years later, my stepfather came into our lives. He was a gardener with some experience. He showed me other ways to grow. Successful crops became more frequent. Soon, I looked forward to yearly growing, which made such a great difference for me, especially in my hours of uncertainty. What I did not like was being made to do it. That took the fun away and mad me rebellious. After all, a bit part of my enjoyment was being out in nature without being stuck on digging holes or weeding. interestingly, I liked both chores when not forced to do it.

What I Would Change

Now that I am a man, I would certainly do things differently than my dad did. For one thing, I was always overwhelmed with staking, pruning and much of the entire process. It seemed like a never ending road. Now that we have access to so many varieties of micro and dwarf tomatoes, the first change would start there. Perhaps a kid’s first introduction could be container growing, something manageable. Micro dwarfs are usually shorter than one foot. Dwarf tomatoes are usually shorter than 3.5 feet. A shorter, more manageable plant may be more encouraging and less intimidating for most kids. For one thing, Dwarf tomato varieties require less care. The point being, encouraging kids to just try gardening, being out in nature and to appreciate the food chain process. Keep in mind that gardening also includes growing flowers and trees.

Growing Dwarf and Micro Dwarf Tomatoes With Kids Involvement.

Kids usually copy the things they see and hear. So, in my opinion we don’t necessarily have to drag them into garden. That would probably turn them off from the start. My very first interest in gardening came from watching my neighbors grow flowers. They never invited me, but my interest was peaked.

Perhaps just growing one or two dwarf tomato plants on the patio, or some micro dwarf varieties in the house may peak your kid’s interest. Invite the kids every now and then to water and harvest. Totally up to them if they want to, no pressure! 

Kids Are Our Future, Teach Them Well

If there was one way to get kids into growing food, dwarf varieties may be it. When fully grown, dwarf and micro dwarf tomato varieties are just not intimidating. In fact, kids of all ages are immediately drawn to micro dwarf varieties. At my market booth they are always curious about such small plants having fruits on them. I always take such opportunities to teach, inquire and learn. I also encourage teachers to introduce micro dwarf tomato varieties into their classrooms. Some schools allow indoor growing of all kinds. Micro varieties would be perfect. What’s exciting about this method, is that it can reach many kids at the same time. They can then discuss it, for better or worse!

Take A Few Micro Dwarf plants To School

The future of our existence lies mostly in our kids hands. We can only hope that they continue some positive traditions by the examples that we set for them. As a kid, very good gardening and life examples were introduced to me. Each of them had enormous impact on my life then, and still now. We can only hope that our children follow our good examples. Doing so can ensure a world that’s continually peaceful and prosperous. Growing food is just one  of those ways that can eventually bring a kid from curiosity, then to germinating a seed, and finally, a feeder of each needy soul. Thanks for reading.