5 Large Fruited Dwarf Tomato Varieties

Dwarf tomatoes can be fun to grow. For one thing, they take up a lot less space in the garden. Another plus, is that they can easily be grown in containers, with some care. But the thing I like the most is that there is a multiplicity of varieties. In fact, in the last 5 years I have grown at least 200 varieties. During this period, I have taken notes (both mental and on paper), about some of the pros and cons of my dwarf venture. In this article I wanted to review 5 large fruited dwarf tomato varieties. This is  because it has been brought to my attention that some growers are of the belief that dwarf tomato plants only produce cherry tomatoes. I am here to take care of that belief! Below, is a list of some dwarf varieties that  produce large tomatoes. These are just a few of the larger varieties that I have grown.

Dwarf Egypt Yellow Tomato

I grew out five Egypt Yellow plants in 2018 and I was very surprised and how awesome these were. Not only did they have pretty good size, they were perhaps some of the prettiest yellow tomatoes that I’ve ever grown. What really convinced me, was the superb flavor of this variety. Juicy and fruity tomatoes are medium mild and balanced. Fruits can reach 14 ounces, but ours averaged about 10, which is big, considering that plants were only about 2.5-3 feet tall. Perfect sandwich and snacking tomatoes!  

Dwarf Tsarsky Podarok Tomato

Easily the largest fruited variety that I have gown, this tomato is also delicious. our largest were over one pound and smallest about 8 ounces. This variety is also prolific and hardy. Plants can reach 3 feet tall and produce many fruits over 1 pound. Definitely worth growing, though I may only grow in the ground for biggest production. Try these and get ready for some fun!

Dwarf Awesome Tomato

The name says it all! Without a doubt, this is one of my favorites. Dwarf Awesome tomato will wow you too. 8-16 ounce fruits are beautifully bi-colored, with yellow being it’s dominant color. Blushings of red complete the visual appeal of this tomato. Its taste is what will hook you though. This tomato is sweeter and fruity, with dripping juice that’s full of aroma. Plants produce plenty. It’s an indeterminate variety so you should have tomatoes all season long. Perfect for container growing too! 

Dwarf Summertime Green Tomato

Big green tomatoes are so green when ripened, that you actually have to look very closely to ensure their ripeness. our largest have been around one pound, but plants are short, averaging 1.5 feet. Summertime Green is a high flavored, visually appealing slicing tomato. Fruits will easily and quickly weigh plants down so staking is necessary. Perfect for salsas, sandwiches and so much more. Container growing, YES!

Dwarf Chocolate Champion

Dwarf Chocolate Champion is another one of my favorites. Although these are not as huge as some of the previously mentioned varieties, they can reach 10-14 ounces. Most of ours have been between 8 and 12 ounces, which is still large for such small plants. I really like the consistency of this variety’s production. Taste is excellent and fruits are clean. Plenty of potential as far as uses for this variety. Easily grown in containers. I must grow!

Dwarf Summer Sunrise Tomato 

I know that this article is supposed to mention only 5 large fruited dwarf tomato varieties, but I thought that I should throw in a few notables. Dwarf Summer Sunrise is another variety that will grow as large as 14 ounces and has fine flavor too. Some of my friends have reported fruits that were over one pound but I haven’t had any such luck. With that said, this is definitely a larger dwarf variety. Plants are small. Ours averaged 3 feet tall but some were shorter. A consideration for container growing.

Dwarf Mallee Rose Tomato

Perhaps the earliest of all the varieties mentioned in this article, Dwarf Mallee Rose tomato is another notably larger variety. Smooth slicers are not only pretty but tasty. This variety will average 6-10 ounces. Plants are short too. Ours always average between 2.4 and 3 feet tall. They are prolific bearers. Dwarf Mallee Rose is a indeterminate variety so expect plenty fruits. A good selection for containers too. Some staking may be necessary.

New Big Dwarf Tomato

This one should be on everyone’s list if growing larger dwarf tomatoes is the goal.  Mildly sweet fruits average around 8-12 ounces and some can be as heavy as one pound. plants are fairly productive and will produce throughout the growing season. Clean and crack are fruits make great market tomatoes! Great for sandwiches too. Plants average about 3 feet tall.

Big Green Dwarf Tomato

Perhaps the prettiest color that I have ever seen on a green variety, Big green dwarf tomatoes can reach 10 to 14 ounces. Fruits are greenish bronze and have laminated yellow interiors. Plants are prolific and can reach 3 feet tall. Fruits are very tasty.  All of our tomatoes are grown in an average of 9-12 hours of direct sunlight so plant stay reasonably compact. They my be s bit taller if light exposure is less.  

So there you go! Not 5, but 9 varieties of dwarf tomatoes that can produce larger sized fruits. All of the above mentioned have good flavor too. Try some and see how you like them. When you do, please feel free to give me some feedback. I look forward to hearing from you! Blessings!