The Best Heirloom Tomatoes On The Planet

So what are the best heirloom tomatoes on the planet?  That, of course, will depend on who you ask. Because we all may have a wide variance of opinions on multiplicity of topics, it is easy to see how the answer to such a question could include, perhaps thousands of varieties. Although I haven’t tasted every tomato on the plant, I have literally tasted thousands of varieties. Many of these varieties were excellent. Others were good and some, which I will not mention in this article, were terrible. Here, I will focus on the ones that I have tasted many times over and loved. To me, these are some of the best heirloom and open pollinated tomatoes on the planet.

How I Like My Heirloom Tomatoes

I am not very picky when it comes to tomatoes. In general, I have two main criteria. (1) Great Taste. (2) Great Texture.  Other factors, such as ripening time, hardiness, disease resistance etc, though high on my list, the fore-mentioned criteria are the most important. My best on the planet list will comprise of beefsteaks, cherries and slicers. I also have a favorite list of sauce tomatoes in another topic.

Dester Tomato

One of my favorite tomatoes on the plants is Dester. This tomato has it all. Size, texture and most of all, taste, is at the very top of the spectrum. Dester tomatoes average about 1 pound. Don’t let it’s mild pink color fool you, this tomato can stand up with anything out there! I just love these on sandwiches or just sliced and eaten without salt or pepper. It’s needs nothing! Production is good!

Another Favorite Of Mine Is Green Giant

If you have never tasted a green when ripened tomato, this is a great choice for your first experience. 1 pound or larger beefsteaks, grow on huge potato leafed vines. These are some of the most phenomenal tomatoes that you will ever find. Whether you like your tomatoes with nothing, or a little salt and pepper, on a platter, dehydrated, in soups or however, Green Giant tomato will do the job. Vines produce plenty!

Curtis Cheek Cheek Tomatoes Are Awesome.

Some people may think that I am biased because this tomato is my namesake. But a good tomato is a good tomato! By far, one of my favorite tomatoes ever, Curtis Cheek tomato has the perfect balance for me. It’s not loud like some of the others on this list but it still packs a beautiful and tasty punch. Full of good, dense flesh, Curtis Cheek can be used for a multiplicity of things, but I love them just without anything and right off the vine! Keeping in mind that my taste for good tomatoes has wide reaching tentacles and not confined to mild, sweet, smooth, acidic etc, I feel that the choices on my list can stand up with the best of them.

Aunt Ruby’s German Green Tomato Will Blow You Away!

I mean, you are literally in for a treat if you let this one ripen well. If you don’t, you are still in for a treat! Because when almost ripened, Aunt Ruby’s  tomato is sweet with some tang. This is a great time to use it for sandwich making. They make some of the best tomato sandwiches in the world. When fully ripened, this gem turns into a true fruit of the tropics. It has a beautiful combination of sweets, tangs and fruit, with nice texture made just for munching and sandwiches. I have made some of the best fresh salsa with these too!  Averaging 10-16 ounces, you will always have plenty delicious tomatoes in your garden. Don’t let the green color scare you, try this one, you’ll be amazed!

Texwine Tomato Is Like Fine Wine On A Vine

Texwine, I love that name. One of the best tomato that I have gown in years. Big, one pound fruits are so delicious, you will lick your fingers and bite your tongue every time. I especially love the short vines. Plants produce tomatoes which are softish to the touch and so delicious, that you probably wouldn’t ever want to grow another variety. But hold on! There is one down side to this tomato. It’s production is not huge, just good. So plant if you were planning on growing two plants, grow three instead. But if you are willing to sacrifice a bit lower production, then go with these. You will NEVER regret it!

Neves Azorean Red Tomato Another Fantastic Beefsteak

Someone said that Neves Azorean Red tomato was one of the finest beefsteak tomatoes available. I agreed! It’s heat tolerant, has compact growth, indeterminate habit, dense flesh with assertive flavor. On a sandwich or as a stand alone variety, it’s phenomenal. There really isn’t much more to say, except that you should grow it if you haven’t already done so.

The Oxheart Family Of Tomatoes

Once you go there, there’ll be no looking back! I know that I am supposed to mention individual cultivars, but for the sake of extra typing I will  include this family of tomatoes. You will not go wrong if you grow most oxhearts. There are so many that I could mention. Here are a few. Curtis Cheek, Mayo’s Delight, Upstate Oxheart, King Kong, Eugenia, Anna Russian, Heart Of Ashgabat, white Oxheart, German Red Strawberry, Angelina’s Heart, Fishlake Oxheart, and so many more, are really delicious. I tend to favor the pinks more because they usually have outstanding flavor with a sweet mildness to them. But the yellows and oranges, such as Fox Nose and Anna Banana Russian are great too! Oxheart tomatoes make great sandwiches, sauce, paste and more. I really appreciate their multi-purposed possibilities.  When you grow your tomato garden, always include some oxhearts!

Little Lucky Heart TomatoDon’t Let The Little Fool You!

Flavor is out of this world. Little Lucky Heart is a big gem. Heart-shaped, red and yellow bi-color fruits grow on potato leaf vines that produce excellently. These fruits, when well ripened, are sweet and fruity with perfect balance. Tomatoes are about the size of an average chicken egg and are to die for. One of the best small tomatoes that we grow. These are a bit late for a smaller fruit, but the wait is well worth it. 

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