Containers for Growing Micro Dwarf Tomatoes

When looking for the right size containers for growing micro dwarf tomatoes there are a few things (important) to consider. Before we get into sizes though, there are are some considerations. Micro dwarf tomatoes are also called mini dwarf or miniature dwarf tomatoes. They come in different sizes when matured. Ideally, miniature dwarf tomato plants do not exceed one foot tall. Most do not exceed 6-10 inches. Some even remain as short as 3-6 inches tall.

Best Results From The Right Container Sizes

As it pertains to achieving the best results from our gow-outs, using the right sized containers for growing Micro Dwarf tomatoes is almost as important as growing the plants themselves. A too large container would be a waste of resources and space. this would be in contrast to why we grow miniature dwarf tomatoes in the first place. A too small container may limit plant and crop size. So what’s the right sized container for growing Micro Dwarf tomatoes?

3/4 Gallon Sized Containers Works Perfectly For Micro Dwarf Tomatoes

Miniature Dwarf Tomato Continer SizeAll micro dwarf tomato varieties would do well in 3/4 to 1 gallon containers but it is not necessary to grow them all in those sizes. Varieties such as Baby, Micro Tom and Micro Gemma would also do excellent in 1/2 gallon containers. In some cases, these varieties would even do well in slightly smaller containers. I have seen  Baby and Micro Tom bloom and fruit pretty effectively in 2 inch pots. True, the plants didn’t achieve full growth potential and crop size. But that was an indication that they can grow and fruit in even the smallest containers.  Personally, I wouldn’t go smaller than half gallon container for any micro dwarf tomato variety.

I grow all of my micro dwarfs in 3/4 gallon sized containers. These work best for me as it pertains to plants achieving full size and maximum yield. I have tried bigger containers but it had no bearing on the results. Additionally, using larger sized containers wasted a lot of soil, nutrients and space. I also could not fit as many plants under my lighting system. My containers are about 6 inches deep/tall and 5 inches wide. They taper slightly towards the bottom.

Consider Long Planters Too

Another consideration is using long planters. I have successfully used ones that were about 2.5 feet long and about 6 inches deep. In these I placed four plants. They all did excellently. Although these planters are easy to manage, they did not allow me the flexibility of the individual pots. Having four different varieties in the same container was pretty cool, though. Once they started blooming and fruiting, they were also a hit at the farmers market. Feel free to check out our awesome miniature dwarf tomato varieties.