Kozula 132 Tomato


Kuzula 132 tomato was a first time grow-out for us in 2018. I found that it was a great snacking, fresh salsa, garnish, canning and cooking tomato. It leans to the milder side with some small hints of sugars and acidity in its aftertaste.  Vines are prolific and never really budged for diseases. They began to ripen their fruits around 72 days after we transplanted them in the garden. Beautiful bi-color fruits were plum shaped and about 2 inches long. All in all it is a good tomato for quite a few things. I snacked on these a lot while I was in the garden, especially on hot days. They were quite refreshing! See Kozula 133.


Kozula 132 Tomato

Kuzula 132 tomato was a first time grow-out for us in 2018. I found that it was a great snacking, fresh salsa, garnish, canning and cooking tomato. It leans to the milder side with some small hints of sugars and acidity in its aftertaste.  Vines are prolific and never really budged for diseases. They began to ripen their fruits around 72 days after we transplanted them in the garden. Beautiful bi-color fruits were plum shaped and about 2 inches long. All in all it is a good tomato for quite a few things. I snacked on these a lot while I was in the garden, especially on hot days. They were quite refreshing! See Kozula 133.

Additional information

Tomato Seeds


14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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