Fuego Verde Tomato


Fuego Verde Tomato

The ultimate salad variety, Fuego Verde tomato will not disappoint you! Another fantastic Fred Hempel production, this high producing and super tasty fruit will keep you wanting more. If you love fresh green salsa, these work wonderfully too! Our  five feet tall, wispy leaved plants started ripening their fruits about 72 days after transplant and continued until the end of the season. They produced tons of approximately 2.5 inch, elongated, bi-colored green and yellow tomatoes, that were juicy and desirable. A really nice mix of sweet and tang. Perfect for canning, salads, fresh eating, market sales, dehydrating and so much more. You must try these!


Fuego Verde Tomato

The ultimate salad variety, Fuego Verde tomato will not disappoint you! Another fantastic Fred Hempel production, this high producing and super tasty fruit will keep you wanting more. If you love fresh green salsa, these work wonderfully too! Our  five feet tall, wispy leaved plants started ripening their fruits about 72 days after transplant and continued until the end of the season. They produced tons of approximately 2.5 inch, elongated, bi-colored green and yellow tomatoes, that were juicy and desirable. A really nice mix of sweet and tang. Perfect for canning, salads, fresh eating, market sales, dehydrating and so much more. You must try these!

Additional information

Tomato Seeds

10 SEEDS, 25 Seeds

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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