Dwarf Jackass Green Tomato


If you have never tasted a green when ripened tomato, Dwarf Jackass Green tomato is a great one for you to try. Easily one of the best green dwarf tomato varieties, this one is a keeper! Three feet tall tree-like plants produce plenty  6-12 ounce tomatoes that are fruity, balanced and rich. Stake well! Our first ripened fruits appeared about 80 days after transplant. They continued coming until season’s end. Plants produce plenty of tomatoes that were green inside and out. A small amount of pink blushing on the blossom end. It’s tasty reminds me of Aunt Ruby’s German Green, another fantastic tomato. Dwarf Jackass Green can work great in containers too!


Dwarf Jackass Green Tomato

If you have never tasted a green when ripened tomato, Dwarf Jackass Green tomato is a great one for you to try. Easily one of the best green dwarf tomato varieties, this one is a keeper! Three feet tall tree-like plants produce plenty  6-12 ounce tomatoes that are fruity, balanced and rich. Stake well! Our first ripened fruits appeared about 80 days after transplant. They continued coming until season’s end. Plants produce plenty of tomatoes that were green inside and out. A small amount of pink blushing on the blossom end. It’s tasty reminds me of Aunt Ruby’s German Green, another fantastic tomato. Dwarf Jackass Green can work great in containers too!

Additional information

Tomato Seeds


14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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