Some of our favorite herbs will be listed in this category, please be patient while we grow our inventory! Thanks.
Cilantro Slow Bolt- Split If you love fresh salsa, Pico De Gallo, well seasoned and marinated meats etc, then you must start with fresh cilantro. Slow bolt cilantro is a delicious herb that is found in some of the most popular south American cuisine. It's also one of the most popular herbs around the world. Cilantro usually goes to seed pretty quickly. It tends not to like heat. The slow bolt variety is more tolerant to heat, giving you a longer harvesting time. Make yourself a great meal with this popular herb.
Astro Arugula
Astro Arugula is a nutty and slightly spicy variety. It has leaves that are less lobed than other varieties and baby leaves can be clipped as earl as 3 weeks after sowing. One of my personal varieties, I have tried this Astro in salads and sandwiches more times that I can remember! It loves cooler weather so seeds can be sowed directly into the garden in early spring. A beautiful addition to any herb garden. Try some again in early fall by planting seeds towards the middle to end of August. A beautiful treat, even on pizzas etc! -
Also known as Mexican Spice Basil, Cinnamon Basil is a very flavorful variety. Boasting dark green leaves and cinnamon colored stems, this variety is a favorite for chefs and cooks. Like most other basil varieties, I use the dried or fresh leaves for making wonderful teas. Plants are about 1.5 feet tall. You can begin harvesting leaves around 30 days after transplant, always leaving off shoots/suckers to grow out. A favorite of mine for Asian cuisine such as curries. Absolutely wonderful Aroma! Will grow well in containers too!
Roquette Arugula
Without a doubt, Roquette Arugula is my favorite to grow and eat. It's the very first arugula variety that I ever grew years ago and it's still my go-to variety. Also known as salad rocket, it's not only delicious, but very nutritious too. Add some spicy zest to your salads, sandwiches, pizza and more. Loves cooler weather. Start directly in your garden in early spring, then again in late summer for fall crops. -
Florence Fennel There are so many ways in which you can use fennel. Here we use it in pasta salad, in seafoods, as stuffing in fish in soups and more. Fennel is one of the most popular herbs used in cooking today. Its flavor is so distinct, that you cannot mistake it for anything else. My friend, a chef, wrapped Florence Fennel in foil with crab legs, then grilled it for a short while. The crab flavor was amazing! My favorite ways to use it is in creamy type soups and middle East cuisine. Although most people use just the bulbs, the entire plant is edible. If you have never used fennel, try this most popular variety in your next dish!
Thai Basil
I love just about any variety of basil, but Thai Basil is my absolute favorite! For me, no Asian dish can go wrong when I use it. One of my favorite Thai dishes is Pad Kee Mao (Thai Drunken Noodles). When done correctly, the inclusion of Thai Basil takes it over the top! I also love this basil in soups, Thai Pineapple Fried Rice and many different Indian dishes. I say all of this to say that this really easy to grow basil can fill so many holes in your dishes, even when you didn't know it would. A very versatile variety with fantastic aroma and wonderful flavor. I even make wonderful tasting tea with this variety! Definitely a must grow if you love basil. Dry and save for winter.
Genovese Basil
Looking for some awesome basil for cooking making pesto or drying? Genovese Basil will absolutely do the job! This fairly large leafed variety has a wonderful aroma and nice strong basil flavor. Plants are about 2 feet tall and perfect for containers or in-the-ground growing. These are best harvested when leave are young and before plants bolt. Dead-heading new blooms will allow you to harvest all season long. Plant after all threats of frost are gone and when weather is at least a constant 50 degrees outside. Will do good in window sill if there is sufficient light. Make yourself some great meals and send me some too!
If you love pesto, or salad with basil, basil tea or anything basil, you will find much comfort in growing out some of these. Perhaps the most popular basil and still one of my favorites, Sweet Italian Basil is a staple in our household. Easy to grow, this very flavorful variety is ready for harvest form sprouts to maturity, which is when ever you wish throughout its growth cycle. Pluck some sprouts for your salads or garnish or harvest bigger leaves at any point for any dish that you choose. Here, we make almost any salad and tomato dish using basils of many kinds. Eggs, soup and many more dishes get their accompaniment what basil too! Get a few varieties and taste the delicious difference! You can't go wrong with this one. Germinates in just a few days!
Garlic Chives Seeds.
If you have never used Garlic chives in your cuisines, I am here to tell you that this is one of the most versatile herbs ever! A favorite of the orients, these work well in almost situation where garlic is needed. I especially love them in soups (garnished or cooked in), oriental cooking such as curries and seafoods. I also make a mean butterfly shrimp using these as a base sautéed olive oil. Use like you would green onions or chives. What I like most about these is that they keep coming back year after year, so just cut yourself some sprigs and watch them come back. Awesome garlicy aroma, awesome flavor!