• Dwarf Lemon Ice Tomato

    75 Days. Dwarf Lemon Ice tomato was a big hit for us in 2017. We grew quite a few plants and all were great. Our rugose leaf plants were about 3.5 feet tall and produced big crops of perfect, beautifully heart shaped fruits that were mild and sweet. Tree type plants demonstrated a great disease resistance tolerance. Really nice tomato for sandwiches, light yellow sauce and fresh eating! These are perfect for container growing.
  • 75 Days. Dwarf Loxton Lad tomato was certainly popular with us this year. I, for one, really enjoyed eating them in the garden, especially after seed saving was done.Tree type, Indeterminate vines, are about 4 feet tall. They have regular leaves and are fairly prolific. 6-16 ounce, deep yellow fruits, are rich, milder and balanced with plenty juice. This is a perfect selection for those seeking a milder tomato with excellent taste. Great selection for growing in a larger container.
  • Loxton Lass is the close cousin of Loxton Lad. It is a regular leaf, indeterminate variety. Fruits are 4-8 ounces and a very vibrant yellow. They begin ripening in about 70 days from transplant. These are also great for container growing (5 gallon plus). These are well balanced and delicious! A really nice slicing tomato!
  • Lucky Swirl is a medium sized bi-color fruit that grows on a four foot tall. indeterminate dwarf, tree type vine. It's evidence that dwarf varieties can produce larger than average fruits. This beauty is relatively meaty with plenty of real tomato flavors. It's just perfect for sandwich making! Vines have rugose leaves and produce a really nice amount of 6-10 ounce fruits, that could sometimes be even larger. These should be stalked well. You could expect your first ripened fruits around the 80 day mark and expect them to keep coming. Our vines have displayed good resistance to diseases. We do spray these with copper sulfate at least once during the season.
  • Maralinga Dwarf Tomato


    Maralinga Dwarf Tomato

    Maralinga Dwarf tomato is a very delicious fruit that is totally worth growing in your dwarf gardens. It produces medium to larger slicing tomatoes that are full flavored and desirable. Plants are "tree type" and grow to about 3.5 feet tall. They produce 6-8 ounce fruits that are balanced, which are earthy and satisfying. Maralinga Dwarf  plants can be grown in containers for patio growing, but they work well in small or large garden spaces too. Growing about two feet apart would do perfectly fine for most dwarf varieties. Container plants do require a little more attention. Maralinga Dwarf is perfect for sandwiches, drying, slicing, fresh eating and drying. But they are also very attractive on your table if you are a market vendor. You can expect more sales with these! 75-80 days to ripen.
  • 65-70 days. Marmelaonye Krasnye is a red dwarf slicer that measures about 3 inches in diameter. It is milder tart and juicy. Prolific 2 feet tall, tree-type plants are Prolific and early. great for container growing or plant in rows about 2 feet apart. Plants need some staking! Good selection for tomato juice, drying and tart tomato juice.
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    Nevski Dwarf Tomato


    Nevski Dwarf Tomato

    70 Days. Nevski Dwarf tomato is a small red fruit that grows on a very short, determinate, 2.5 feet tall plant. Fruits are mildly sweet, juicy and delicious. They are early to ripen, coming in at 70 days or so. Plants are prolific and show good disease resistance. Great selection for container or ground growing.
  • Rainbow Dwarf Tomato

    75 Days. Rainbow Dwarf is that I am so happy I grew in 2017. Four feet indeterminate plants produce nice size bi-color fruits that ate absolutely delicious. They are fruity, have a very smooth texture, on the sweet side and have good meat. For me, this is one of the best dwarf varieties. These work well in containers too. Vines have good disease resistance.
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    Rosella Crimson Dwarf Tomato

    Rosella Crimson Dwarf Tomato I not just a very pretty fruit, it has taste that compares with the best of them. This variety produces a swarm of 6-10 ounces fruits that never stop coming all season long. Ours are always the first to produce among our dwarf varieties. Rosella Crimson tomatoes are mildly sweet, juicy, with good complimentary flavors.
  • Silver Fir Tree is a dwarf Russian variety. Pants are perhaps 2.5 feet tall and productive. They bear lots of 3 inch round, red tomatoes that are mild and juicy. This is an extremely early variety. Ours usually ripen around 65 days after transplant. Great variety for growing in containers. Staking is needed!
  • Dwarf Stone Tomato

    75 Day. Dwarf Stone tomato is a deep red, rich and sweetish fruit that has a little tang and great balance. Prolific plants are no taller than 3 feet and have great disease resistance. These would even be around at the end of the season. Perfect little slicer, salad tomato. Good for salsas and sauces too!.
  • Sturt Desert Pea is a delightful dwarf variety that ripens to a fruit that is deep red. Plants are regular leaf and about 3 feet tall. Tomatoes are sweetish with good balance and soft flesh. Good for slicing, drying, salsa, and salads. Good disease resistance. 75 days.
  • Summer Sweet Gold Dwarf Tomato

    Summer Sweet Gold Dwarf tomato is  one of the larger varieties of dwarf tomatoes. Fruits average about 10 ounces and are packed with fruitiness. The best quality for me is it's that it's evenly balanced but not over the top. There are also tons of complimentary flavors that work well for this awesome variety. Delicious 80 Days.
  • Tunanda Red Dwarf tomato is a prolific variety that has really good taste appeal. Its plants have regular rugose leaves and are fairly disease resistant. Fruits are about 3 to 4 inches around, ripen to a deep red, and perhaps weigh 4 ounces. These nourish in a sunny spot, which only helps to intensify its already delicious flavor. A perfect slicer for anything.
  • Dwarf Tasty Wine tomato is a deep pink tomato that is very tasty. Our rigs leaf vines were very vigorous and produce plenty (5-10 ounce) tomatoes that begin to ripen about 80 days after transplant. Fruits are right up the middle. They are neither too sweet or tart and very pleasing. An all around great tomato! good disease resistance! Great for larger containers!  
  • Tatura Dwarf Tomato

  • Dwarf Tennessee Suite is a purplish, 4-10 ounce fruits that have beautiful green stripes. This bi-color fruit begins to ripen in about 80 days from transplant. Plants are tree type and have rugose leaves. Oblate fruits have a sweet balanced and rich flavor .I have noticed that it's shape is not consistent, some are more oblate and others, more round. Nonetheless this is wonderful tomato! A great tomato for sandwiches, garnishing, salsa and eating fresh off the vine.
  • Waratah Dwarf Tomato

    Waratah Dwarf Tomato is an outstanding variety the grows on very compact, tree-like plants. plants produce a nice amount of fruits and produce all season long. Fruits are very balanced and slightly sweeter than tart. This is a great selection for sandwiches, fresh salsa, cooking and eating right off of the vines. plants also do not exceed 3.5 feed and are not wide spreading! Perfect for container growing, small gardens and growing indoor under lights!
  • Producing a nice amount of fruits, Dwarf Wild Spudleaf tomato is a really great tomato. Its potato, rugose leaf plants are about four feet tall and begin ripening their fruits about 85 ays after transplant. Fruits are between 5-10 ounces, delicious and well balanced. Perfect for sandwiches, fresh salsa, garnishing, cooking and drying. Great for container growing!
  • Out of stock

    Fireball Tomato

    70 Days. Fireball tomato is a container variety that does well in the ground too. Skinny upright plants are tree-like and produce cherry-sized, bright red fruits that are meaty and sweet! We grew ours in 3/4 gallon containers and they did very well. I suspect they would do better in a 1-2 gallon container. Our plants were about 2 feet tall! These are perfect salad, snacking and drying tomatoes. Can be grown indoors and under lights.
  • 75 Days. Mariglobe Supreme is a red salad or slicing tomato that is as sturdy as they come. If you have a hard time growing tomatoes, try these. Extremely hardy vines produce high quantities of delicious fruits. Sweeter, with some acidic undertones, this tomato still has wonderful balance.
  • Are you are looking for a dwarf variety that has look appeal and great taste? Adelaide Festival would work well. Sweet and smoky fruits will blow you away with their richness and balance! These beautiful, bi-color fruits grow on 3 foot plants. Fruits begin to ripen about 80 days after transplant. Adelaide Festival Dwarf tomato is rich and juicy with good sweetness. I have had lots of success growing these in containers too! Heavily laden plants would need some help standing upright. Tomato cages work excellently in ground or in containers. Great sandwich, garnish, tomato and cooking tomato. This variety showed really good resistance to diseases! See it on YouTube!
  • Banskia Queen Dwarf tomato is a pretty yellow fruit that bears on vines that are about 3 feet tall. Even though it's a dwarf variety, it definitely has to be staked because its tomatoes are large and its production is good. Plants have rugose leaves and none of ours have ever showed signs of diseases. Our biggest fruits have been around 10 ounces and smallest around 4. When it comes to taste, it is milder, a bit tangy, with sweet undertones. It is a great salsa, sandwich, and cooking tomato, and if you have any left over, take them to the market--they'll do well. One quick note, for the last three years, we have sold literally thousands of dwarf tomato plants at our farmers market.
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    Boronia Dwarf Tomato

    Boronia Dwarf tomato is a short growing, tree type variety. It produces chocolate colored fruits that remind me of Cherokee Purple in taste. It's texture is different from Cherokee thought, but there are some similarities. Boronia's plants are short, perhaps 3 feet tall when planted in full sunlight, and produce a nice amount of very tasty fruits. In our garden, fruits take about 75 days to ripen and are constantly ripening after that, so don't take your eyes off of them. Our plants have always displayed good resistance to diseases, but they may need a little help. Spray with copper sulfate or Serenade fungicide, those have always worked well for us. This is a variety that is determined to produce and will work hard to provide you with a good dinner of sandwiches, salsa, or sauces. Try them, you'll like them!
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    One of the first dwarfs that I ever grew in containers, I enjoyed growing and eating Coastal Pride Orange so much that I literally recommended them to everyone. A big attractor for me was the 3 to 4 ft vine, beautiful rugose leaf foliage, and very pretty deep orange ripened fruits. Vines are not excessively prolific but they aren't slouches either. They produce a good amount of fruits that ripen in about 80 days. In some ways, Costal Pride Orange reminds me of Dad's Sunset or even Amish Gold Slicer, just on a shorter vine.  Tomatoes are sweetish, meaty, medium-mild, and delicious. There is also a nice aroma to them when they are fully ripened. Containers or in-the-ground planting both work excellently. Some staking would be helpful.
  • Dwarf Mahogany Tomato

    Dwarf Mahogany is another one that I first grew in buckets and later moved to the farm. I was totally pleased with both methods. This very unique, dark burgundy/brown tomato brings to mind intensity. It has exceptionally good flavor to the point where its a stand-out. A perfect selection for salsas, sauces, drying, fresh eating, garnishing, and sandwiches. In essence, this is a great tomato for almost any application. Vines ripen their fruits almost 80 days after transplant and you can expect tomatoes from that point until season's end. Be sure to stake well and check back often. Once they start ripening, they're persistent. A great selection to add a splash of color and encourage repeat customers at the market.

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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