Pink Furry Boar is a fuzzy 4-6 ounce, pinkish, bi-color tomato. Vines are prolific and ripen fruits about 80 days after transplant. Fruits are mild, juicy and pleasant. Awesome tomato for slicing in salads and mild tomato juice. If you prefer a milder tomato with food overall flavor, this would be on your list.
Out of stockIf you are looking for a intense sauce tomato, Kapia red is the one for you. Intense, 2 inch elongated fruits, are deep red and flavorful. There probably isn't a better tomato for drying. Vines have wispy leaves and produce heavily. Tomatoes have few seeds and plenty flesh. It is not a dry tomato, rather it's has plenty of intense juice. You can expect your first ripened tomatoes around 80 days from transplant. Good disease resistance.
When I first grew these, I had to get my French dictionary out to see what the name Jaune Flamme meant. I found out that it means Yellow Flame. A name that is well deserved. Ping pong ball sized fruits are juicy, sweet and delicious. Vines are prolific and should be staked. Fruits begin to ripen about 70 days after transplant. Great selection for market sales. perfect for salads, snacking. Try drying some, they are very intense that way!!
I accidentally purchased these a few years ago thinking they were Green Zebra. After checking my online order I realized that I ordered the wrong thing. Still I grew them out and waited to see... Production was excessive! Fruits were a bit larger than average cherries, green and yellow striped and delicious! They were early coming in at around 70 days. Green Zebra Cherry tomato vines are disease resistant, even in a difficult year. They produce until Fall takes them! Perfect snacking tomato. Also great for cooking, drying, salsa and garnishing.
100 Pudov tomato is a very unique that is perfect, smaller slicer for many applications. Its name means 100 pounds. It's sweeter and mild. Vines are vigorous, produce a good amount, hardy and ripen their fruits in about 80 days after transplant. ours showed no signs of diseases at any time. This is a great market variety! I happen to think that this is a very under-rated tomato. Other than taste, another thing I like about is that is has a really good shelf life. I had some that easily lasted 3 weeks on my kitchen table. It's a great tomato for market sales, salsa, fresh eating, cooking and canning.
San Marzano Tomato
To mention the word San Marzano tomato without a mention of tomato sauce would be just wrong! If you ever need to make great tomato sauce without knowing how to make tomato sauce, you've come to the right place. 2 inch elongated tomatoes are sweet and meaty with not much juice. Determinate vines will ripen their fruits at about the 80 day mark. -
The prettiest of small slicers, Russian Queen tomato is also one of the most prolific that I have ever grown. You can literally get a 5-gallon bucket full from just one plant! Ripened fruits are mild and juicy with fruity undertones. It is a great tomato for anyone wanting less acidity. It can be slightly bigger than a golf ball, perfect size for snacking! Tall vines must be staked well. 70 to 75 Days.
75 Days. Red Pear is one of the first heirloom tomatoes that I ever grew. I still grow them today. They are a very useful little cherry that can be used in many different ways. I use them for snacking, green as pickle, for market sales, for salads, drying for flakes, cooking and so much more. They are sweetish and balanced with a good old time tomato taste. Ga few plants and let me know
Purple Calabash tomato is a flattened ribbed, dark purple fruit, that grows on prolific vines. fruits are milder and juicy. Especially demanded by gourmet chefs for their beautiful ribbed look and intense color, this variety is very useful in many culinary applications. it's even good when sliced for sandwiches. Make some mild purple sauce with these. It works great!
75 Days. Think yellow sauce, salsa, tomato flakes and right off the vine early in the morning for some of the best tomatoes. Orange Banana Paste tomato gives you all to these awesome options. Deep yellow fruits with greenish shoulders makes some of the best paste and sauce available to man. 2 inch elongated fruits grow on wispy leafed vines that must be staked early. Ripened fruits are sweet and juicy with a little zing. Vines are prolific!
Out of stockGerman Gold tomato is a 1 pound, sweet fruit that is perfect for sandwiches and lots more. It's vines are about five to six feet tall and vibrant. In the mold of Pineapple tomato, bi-color fruits are beautiful and delicious. In addition to it's apparent sweetness, there is plenty of meat and some tartness. German Gold is a really good sauce tomato. Fruits start ripening around 80-85 days.
Black Zebra is another popular variety among the culinary community. Beautiful greenish brownish, striped tomatoes, are something to behold when ripened. They make the best salsa! 5 foot tall, hardy and prolific vines, begin to ripen fruits around the 75 day mark. They never quit until frost. Take these with you to the market, you'll sell tons!
Amana Orange Tomato
75-80 days. Amana Orange tomato is a large beefsteak that turns bright orange when fully ripened. Discovered by Gary Staley of Florida, this fine tomato could take care of all of your tomato issues. It's meaty, sweet, rich and very balanced. A great sandwich tomato, this will also be good in nice yellow sauce, cooking, salsas and just eating off the vine. Vines are bushy and tall and would need good staking. Expect lots or nice beefsteaks from this heavy producer. Good disease resistance! Fruits can weigh as much as 1.5 pounds but the average for us is between 14 and 18 ounces! Fabulous market variety! Also see Barnes Mountain Orange. Amana Orange On YouTube! -
Large American Flag Leek
Large Flag American Leek is is noted for its large leaves and stems. Here in the USA, this variety is really cold tolerant and does well in zones 2-11. It has a light/mild onion flavor that works well in cuisines. I have used in soups, salads, seasonings. It's perfect when seasoning meats and fish. It's also commonly called Scotch Flag leek. 15-18 inches tall and non-bulbing. -
This is an early variety was developed in Denmark and is noted for it's resistance to splitting. When ready, they can reach 3-4 pounds. This variety also has excellent fresh cabbage flavor. Copenhagen Market Cabbage is an early variety that matures around 65-75 days from transplant. Great for any cabbage dish, includine cloe slaw. Start seeds about 6 weeks before last frost and set them out early in spring when frost free! These can handle a little coldness.
Morris Heading Collards
Morris Heading Collards is an old southern green that is a cultural favorite. This tasty variety is said to taste line butter. I really don't find that to be necessarily true. In my experience, it's very soft, smooth tasting and sort of nutty. With that said, it's very, very delicious and shouldn't be overlooked. One of my favorite greens that I grow from time to time. These are also slower to bolt. Rich in vitamins and minerals. If you love collars, try this one!! -
Ruby Queen Beet I probably wouldn't be a beet lover had it not been for this variety. Ruby Queen Beet will grow well for you, even in poor soil. This fine variety has somewhat of a smooth texture when properly cooked. When cut, this beauty is dark red and very pleasing to the eye. A favorite with canners! Also a favorite of market vendors. Uniformed smooth exterior with globe shape. Baby leaves are also very edible and flavorful! 80 days to maturity! Ruby Queen Beet I probably wouldn't be a beet lover had it not been for this variety. Ruby Queen Beet will grow well for you, even in poor soil. This fine variety has somewhat of a smooth texture when properly cooked. When cut, this beauty is dark red and very pleasing to the eye. A favorite with canners! Also a favorite of market vendors. Uniformed smooth exterior with globe shape. Baby leaves are also very edible and flavorful! 80 days to maturity!
Also known as Mexican Spice Basil, Cinnamon Basil is a very flavorful variety. Boasting dark green leaves and cinnamon colored stems, this variety is a favorite for chefs and cooks. Like most other basil varieties, I use the dried or fresh leaves for making wonderful teas. Plants are about 1.5 feet tall. You can begin harvesting leaves around 30 days after transplant, always leaving off shoots/suckers to grow out. A favorite of mine for Asian cuisine such as curries. Absolutely wonderful Aroma! Will grow well in containers too!
Dwarf Whereokowhai Tomato
One of my favorites for 2020 Dwarf Whereokowhai tomato was really surprising and satisfying. 2.5-3 feet tall plants, these produced so many fruits that I was eating every time I walked by the plants. Fruits were sweet and fruity with plenty richness. When sliced, Whereokowhai is a sight to behold! A beautiful marbling of yellows and pinks will really turn your head. Hardy, tree-like plants. 75-80 days from transplant.Good choice for container of small space growing! -
Dwarf Round Robin Tomato
Just when you thought that you've seen it all, here comes Dwarf Round Robin tomato! This real cutie is also very tasty. Round Robin has some of the same colorings of Dwarf Audrey's Love. Both are beautiful! Plants are short, perfect for container growing and early. Ours started ripening fruits about 72 days from transplant. No signs of diseases were ever seen on these! Taste is sweet and fruity, very rich taste on these! Tree-like plants are about 2.5 feet tall and will keep pumping them out for you! Try these!! -
Dwarf Peppermint Stripes Tomato
If you are looking for an outstanding Dwarf tomato, try Dwarf Peppermint Stripes. I first grew these in 2020 as a trial and loved them. This year, 2021, I grew them out for seeds. Beautiful bi-colored fruits have complex but very balanced taste. Nice size for a good garden snack. Slices very nicely when fully ripened. Plants are 3 feet tall and prolific. Ours began ripening about 74 days after transplant and continued until frost. Good disease resistance. -
Dwarf Numbat Tomato
Dwarf Numbat Tomato was a nice little find for us in 2020. Short plants produced heavy crops of large cherries that were great for canning, snacking and even slicing. Taste for us was mild and tart and tasty. Our plants were about 2-2.5 feet tall and started ripening fruits about 70 days after transplant. A beautiful marbling of greens and yellows, Numbat will work well in small garden spaces as well as in containers. -
Dwarf Jackass Yellow Tomato
Dwarf Jackass Yellow tomato turned out to be one of my favorites in 2020. Very clean, shiny, deep yellow fruits are truly a sight to behold when fully ripened. These remind me of Dwarf Egypt Yellow in size and shape, but taste is totally different. Jackass Yellow is sweeter and has a fruity after-taste that I like. This is a really good slicing tomato that will leave you wanting more. Plants are about 3 feet tall and produce prolifically. 75 days to first ripened fruits. If you would like good production in a smaller garden, try Dwarf Jackass Yellow tomato. For ground or container growing! -
Dwarf Clare Valley Pink Tomato
Don't be surprised if you grow these every year. Dwarf Clare Valley Pink tomato is a high producing, early variety. Ours produced their first ripened fruits around 72 days from transplant. 2.5 feet tall plants produced plenty round fruits that were about 4-6 ounces each. These are sweet and juicy with a very nice overall flavor. These would also do wonderfully in smaller gardens or in containers. Good disease resistance! -
Dwarf Aussie Drop Tomato
Dwarf Aussie Drop tomato is a heart shaped fruit that grows on rugose, regular leafed plants. Plants were about 2.5 feet tall and produced heavily. Minimal staking is required. This variety is perfect for dark, sweet sauces, canning, cooking and more. Also a very nice snack in the garden. If you grow in smaller gardens or containers, these will work excellently. A few fruits were more elongated than heart shaped. I recommend 4-5 gallon containers or larger! I really loved these for sauces and cooking with. -
Dwarf Audrey's Love Tomato
Dwarf Audrey's Love tomato is a plump, bi-colored variety. 2.5 feet tall plants are prolific and relatively early. One of our favorites in 2020, these things never stopped producing. Although this variety will do excellently in the ground it can easily be grown in in containers too. Taste is mild, with sweet undertones and earthiness, which I like. Ripened fruits are about 2 inches long with purple and green blushing and striping! Really beautiful and easy to manage, especially in small garden spaces!