• Linda’s Faux Tomato


    Linda's Faux Tomato

    I decided to try Linda's Faux tomato because I heard a lot of good things about it. My version was the potato leafed. Six feet tall plants produced heavy amounts of 6-10 ounce, bright red fruits. Disease resistance was excellent. Taste was wonderful and refreshing, with sweets but more acidic. I loved its  smooth and easy texture. I did try them on sandwiches with mayo, cheese, salt, pepper, basil and a little olive oil. It made some delightful sammiches! Neither flooding nor excessive heat or drought affected these. I will be growing next year, 2020 in larger quantities for market! These are definitely worth a try!
  • Abe Lincoln Tomato


    Abe Lincoln Tomato

    Abe Lincoln tomato is a variety I have been grown for many years. It's one of my favorites because of its good taste, reliability, clean fruits and disease resistance. When I wand a nice looking and tasty fruit for market sales, this is one that I always turn to. Short plants produce 6-12 ounce fruits that are blemish free and aromatic. These are great slicers, especially for sandwiches and fresh eating. Ripening to a deep red, it has well balanced old fashion tomato taste. You can expect your first ripened fruits between 75 and 80 days. Indeterminate.
  • Out of stock

    Ananas Zebra Tomato


    Ananas Zebra Tomato

    Ananas Zebra tomato is a delicious variety. 6-10 ounce fruits are beautifully bi-colored inside and out. Our plants were prolific and showed nice disease resistance. We noticed our first ripened fruits around day 75 from transplant. They continued producing heavily throughout the season. These would be great as market tomatoes because the have nice flavor and texture and would hold up for market. Perfect choice for fresh salsa, garnish, cooking, slicing and fresh eating. Staking early would assist in a successful crop! Another nice addition to any bi-colored tomato garden!  
  • Aunt Swarlo's Polish Plum Tomato

    A wonderful, large oxheart that can range from blunt to perfectly heart shaped. Fruits can weigh as much as 2 pounds. Sweet flesh that lends itself to sweet thick sauce and stew. Like Goatbag , Aunt Swarlo's Polish Plum tomato is a later variety, ripening its fruits around 90-95 days from  transplant. Plants have wispy leaves and  are are about 6 feet tall. Sweet, old-fashioned flavor with nice tasty meat! A true treat if you can wait!
  • Sarga Trophy 2008 Tomato

    Sarga Trophy 2008 tomato is a rare variety gifted to me my Aud Zenberg. It was one of many varieties I attained from her in 2018. Of these varieties, some are very rare and I feel the urgent need to make sure that they are available to the public, in order to make sure that they are conserved. My grow-outs came from pure seed! With Sarga Trophy you will gat a very flavorful tomato that's rich, juicy and tasty. Perfect yellow slicers with nice tang and some good sweetness too. This one has a bright taste for a yellow variety. Plants are short and produce plenty, though not prolific. Fruits are clean and blemish-free. Really pleasing taste. Seed Source: (Netherlands Centre For Genetic Resources, CGN 24203)
  • Silver Tuckqueen Tomato

    Without any information other than seed source, I didn't know what to expect when growing out Silver Tuckqueen tomato. What I got were beautiful, red, large cherries with very nice and tangy taste. These were refreshing and immediately reminded me of stewed tomatoes. I tried it and it worked out wonderfully. These are clean and blemish-free tomatoes. They have nice texture and delivered an overall pleasing experience. I would definitely grow these again, especially for their earliness and market sales. Ours started ripening around 62 days from transplant. Perfect for canning, cooking, snacking and more! These are not too common so I hope more people would try them!
  • Great Bear Tomato


    Great Bear Tomato

    This is another one of my favorites for 2019. Great Bear tomato is just what the doctor ordered. Delicious pink beefsteaks can weigh 1.5 pounds but most of ours were about 1 pound. I love the texture of this tomato. It's smooth and very inviting. When sliced, Great Bear delivers a very good experience. I like my tomatoes thinly sliced, but this one I like thick. When to comes to taste, it's simple. Old fashioned, full-flavored and well balanced. Plants are vibrant and about 6 feet tall. If you like really great tasting beefsteaks, try this one. You will not regret it!
  • Oakley Park Tomato


    Oakley Park Tomato

    Oakley Park tomato is a hard working, reliable, multi-purpose variety. Five feet tall plants are high producing and early. Fruits are very tasty, slightly acidic, yet with  good balanced. Fruit size averages around 3-4 ounces. These have a softish feel but not mushy. Very useful for cooking, canning, juicing etc. These are very early. Ours started ripening around 62 days from transplant. Early to bloom and reliable variety. Try these if you are seeking a good multi-purpose type! Seed Source: Centre For Genetic Resource 2008 Netherlands, CGN 24224
  • Paw Tomato


    Paw Tomato

    Paw Tomato is a rear slicing variety. Three to five ounce fruits are uniformed and generally blemish-free. Plants are tall and have good disease resistance. Our plants were prolific and vibrant. This is a mid-season variety that produces sweeter but slightly mild and delicious fruits, delivering a really good tomato experience. Expect your first ripened fruits between 75-80 days from transplant. I am so happy that I grew these! Seed Source: Gatersleben, #LYC 1781   
  • President Garfield Tomato

    A wonderful variety ideal for slicing, sauces cooking and more. 5 foot tall plants produce bright red, slightly ruffled fruits that have a perfect balance of sweets and tart. Really nice, full-flavored variety. I really loved President Garfield tomato this year. Unfortunately only one plant made it because of sever flooding in June. Very nice texture that all tomato growers should experience. Limited Seeds.
  • Triumph Tomato


    Triumph Tomato

    Pretty 3-4 ounce fruits are fire-truck red when ripened. Triumph tomato is a determinate variety that produces excessively. Early ripening, these are perfect for salads, canning, fresh eating, cooking and more. So truly, it's an all purpose variety. Great selection for market sales. Mild, slightly acidic and forward taste. I enjoyed making fresh tomato salsa with these. Onions, jalapeños, cilantro, limes, salt and black pepper and tomatoes, of course. That's my simple and delicious recipe. Ours started ripening around 68 days from transplant. Seed Source: Gatersleben, #LYC 154 
  • Summer Lightning Tomato

    A sauce and paste type, Summer Lightning tomato is a rare variety. It is a high producer of 2-3 inch elongated fruits. A mid-season variety, this high producing gem fits perfectly if you like sweeter or low acidity sauces. These are  nice tasting stand alone tomatoes. Also perfect for canning, cooking and fresh eating. Perfect for market sales because if its high production, taste and crack-free habit. I made some of the best tasting fresh salsa with Summer Lightning. Plants are tall, hardy and wispy leaved. Stake well and you will be rewarded. 75 days to ripen from transplant. Seed Source: Gatersleben Russia # LYC 3881 
  • Summer Sunrise Tomato


    Summer Sunrise Tomato

    Summer Sunrise tomato is a pleasant treat in any garden. Blemished free fruits are produced on short plants that produce plenty. This mid-season variety is sweeter, fruity and mild. Good keepers, these are perfect for slicing, salads, canning and tomato juice.  Plants are vibrant. and hardy. Ours survived a brutal spring and early summer. Fruits averaged four to six ounces. Rare and worth it.
  • A very nice and rare find for us in 2019, Tschechische Gelbe tomato was one of my personal favorites. Large sized cherry tomatoes have a medium-firm feel with lots of juiciness and wonderful aroma when fully ripened. These are sweeter and fruity, but must ripen well for the full experience. Plants are about 6 feet tall and produce plenty. Ours showed wonderful resistance to early blight. Great for snacking, canning, garnish, cooking and so much more. Try this rare and wonderful variety, you too may get hooked!
  • Winsall Tomato


    Winsall Tomato

    Another workhorse on the farm in 2019, I wish that we had discovered these a long time ago. Do you want a nice sandwich? Try a Winsall tomato. Excellent texture, aroma and as a slicer. Ours displayed good disease resistance and had fantastic production.  A very balanced tasting variety, fruits are not too sweet or tart or sweet. Ours averaged about 1 pound, with many being around 12 ounces. Perfect blend of complimentary flavors too. The is a very good tomato that I am definitely growing again. Solid, solid tomato! 85 days!
  • Wisconsin 55 Tomato


    Wisconsin 55 Tomato

    One of the sturdiest producers that we grew in 2019, Wisconsin 55 tomato will be a repeat grow for sure. Clean, juicy fruits are not mushy, rather they have very nice texture. These are great for tomato juice, salads canning and more. A good all purpose tomato. I love cooking with them, they make really good stew. This is a hard-working variety that will do well in heat or wet conditions, workhorse! Crack resistant, with high disease resistance. Try some!
  • Zluta Kytice Tomato


    Zluta Kytice Tomato

    A multi-flora variety, Zluta Kytice tomato packs nice flavor. Four to five feet tall plants are so prolific that you will have a tough time harvesting them. Sweet and fruity, yellow cherries, are not more than one inch long. They are produced on bunches of sometimes more than 50. Plant are study and early ripening, coming in at around 70 days. Nice disease resistance, good hardiness. These will quickly become one of your favorites! Perfect market variety! Great too for deserts, salads, canning and so much more! Zluta Kyrice is a wonderful, never-ending snack!
  • Vineyard Wine Tomato


    Vineyard Wine Tomato

    I was gifted seeds for Vineyard Wine tomato by my friend form NYC. He also gifted me Alfonsi's Big Pink Beefsteak. Not sure what to expect, I planted two plants. What I were rose pink, very beautiful, slightly bigger than golf ball sized fruits that were rich and tasty. I have to admit, these do not taste like wine, but their colors is stunning. They are sweet, with nice tartness and not mild. Very consistent tomato taste! In a nutshell, they are delicious. Perfect for cooking, eating fresh, sauces and even sliced in salads. I like this tomato a lot. 6-8 averaged one pound. Prolific plants, very hardy variety!
  • Auranticum Tomato


    Auranticum Tomato

    Auranticum tomato was a standout for us in 2018. We are introducing seeds in 2019. Five feet tall, multiflora plants, produce more delicious cherry tomatoes than you could harvest. Fruits are produced in bunches of 20-50 or perhaps more. Taste is sweet and fruity with mild tang. These are perfect for salads, snacking, canning and so much more. A perfect treat for market vendors. Great if your need is less plants and more production!
  • Mrs Schlaubaugh's Famous Strawberry

    If you want a meaty oxheart that will sit great on a tomato sandwich, yet make wonderful, rich sauce, then you should try Mrs Schlaburgh's Famous Strawberry tomato. With this variety what you see is what you get! And that is meat and more meat. This sweet, full-flavored oxheart will blow you away! Plants are taller and wispy, but very hardy. They produce a nice crop of uniformed oxhearts that can weigh up to one pound, but averages 8-12 ounces. Perfect size for a sandwiches, Mr's Schlaburgh's also works well as a slicing type, for cooking, canning and more. Great market variety. Try these if you haven't yet!
  • Out of stock

    Snegirjok Micro Dwarf Tomato

    A standout variety in our micro grow-outs, Snegirjok micro dwarf tomato produced so many red cherries that they totally caught me by surprise. Averaging 12 inches tall, this micro is just a pleasure to grow. Its flavor is also very good! Mildly sweet with a good balance of tartness, these are perfect snackers that will keep you returning for more. Ours did excellently both in 4/4 and one gallon containers, without much difference in size of production. A must try! Note: I've also grown these spelled as "Snegirjoc".
  • Kiss The Sky Tomato


    Kiss The Sky Tomato

    In 2020 we grew about 120 new varieties, not as many as pervious years. But in my opinion, we selected some excellent varieties. Kiss The Sky tomato is one of those! Large cherries grow on tall vines of 6 feet or more. Other than its outstanding flavor, this variety is a massive producer of brownish purple fruits that are outstandingly sweet, rich and earthy. A very desirable tomato! Its heavy production and blemish-free fruits make it a perfect choice for market vendors. I am so happy that I grew these out!  I used these tomatoes for some of the best tomato jam. Grow these, you won't regret it!
  • Van Wert Ohio Tomato


    Van Wert Ohio Tomato

    A very useful and delicious variety, Van Wert Ohio tomato is a heavy producer of mid sized red and blemished free fruits. The plants seemed to have held on to every bloom and began to ripen about 75 days after being transplant into the garden. What I really loved about this variety was its disease resistance. It was one of the very best this year. Taste is old fashion, balanced and very pleasing. A very nice all purpose variety for situations such as cooking, sandwiches, slicing, market sales and even sauces. Check these out and try a few plants in your next garden! 5-7 ounces
  • I have been growing some of Reinhard's products for several years now and he always breeds some top of the line varieties. I especially like his cherry tomatoes! This year I grew Reinhard Kraft's Goldkirsche tomato, a light yellow, dime to nickel sized cherry, that will blow you away with its production. 4-5 feet tall, indeterminate plants are slow growing, but once they catch on, produced so many tomatoes that I was hardly able to keep up.  Fruits came in bunches of 10-15 and began to ripen about 70 days after transplant. Once they started coming in, it was off to the races every day picking all summer long! These are very sweet and juicy, with a semi firm to softish feel. Like good candy! Will do well in larger containers too!
  • Hege German Pink Tomato

    Here German Pink tomato is an 8-18 ounce fruit. They are mild and delicious, perfect for those wanting a pink tomato with less of a acidic finish. Plants were tall and vibrant, producing big crops of oblate fruits that began to ripen around mid season. Vibrant plants demonstrated good disease resistance. This is another awesome sandwich/BLT variety that can also be great for market sales, slicing, cooking and more. Will be growing these again! 80 Days to first ripened fruits!
  • Gopak Tomato

    A very versatile variety, Gopak tomato is also very dependable. This awesome all purpose variety grows on shorter plants and produce plentifully! Our plants were no taller than 4.5 feet. They worked hard for us all season long. Clean, blemish-free, oxheart fruits, are about 6-18 ounces and the most beautiful pinks. A very nice type for sauces, cooking, canning, snacking and so much more. Early ripening, averaging about 75 days from transplant.
  • Berkley Tie Dye Heart Tomato

    A very pretty cultivar, Berkley Tie Dye Heart tomato is so much fun to grow. Our regular leafed plants were about 5 feet tall and produced perfect, bi-colored green and purple, perfect and blunt oxhearts. All of which were tasty! These remained prolific all season long. As far as taste, these were earthy, sweetish and satisfying. Awesome aroma! I loved the texture! Really good choice for sandwiches, garnish, cooking and snacking right off the plant. 75-80 days to first ripened fruits!
  • Orange Roussollini Tomato

    Orange Roussollini Tomato is a prolific cherry. Plump fruits begin to ripen orange before turning to a deep red. Mildly sweet, with some tang, this one delivers a very pleasing experience! Plants are super prolific and begin to ripen their fruits about 75 days from transplant. Plants were no taller than 5 feet and did well in hot weather. These are perfect for canning, snacking and salads. A great choice also for market sales. Try these!

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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