• Another nice surprise for me in 2021. I absolutely paid this variety no attention and almost didn't have enough time to harvest them. When I was almost done harvesting everything else, Sue's Little Red Heart was there, waiting for me to pick and enjoy. Forward tasting, slightly heart/plum shaped fruits are the perfect garden snack. Free of cracks, I have no doubt that this tomato would make great sauce. It would most definitely be great for dehydrating for powder of flakes, where I feel its flavor will really sparkle. Our plants were about 5 feet tall and seemed to be a little later to ripen, even though I am not sure. Taste was very good!
  • Georgia Streak Tomato

    I love this tomato so much. It has so much character and beauty. I really love its taste too. Georgia Streak tomato is a large bi-colored fruit of yellow and reds. It is sweeter and fruity, very complete in its taste and to me, desirable. Very good texture and slices like a dream. Plants are regular leafed and produce plenty of fruits or their large size. These begin to ripen about 80 days after transplant. Stake well because they can put some pressure on plants because of their size and production. Plants seemed to relish the hotter months, when their fruits really tasted excellent. A great choice if you love sweeter tomatoes!!
  • Oncle Remi Tomato

    I was gifted Oncle Remi tomato seeds by my friend Terry at Secret Seed Cartel in France. She was gifted these seeds by a friend of hers whos wife brought them back from Algeria some time in the early 1960's. I am happy to have tried these. Regular leafed plants one pound, red beefsteaks that had slicers that were mostly crack free. Perfect compliment for your sandwiches. May also do well as market tomato if you are a vendor. Really robust and rich flavor like the tomatoes back in the day!
  • Maple Syrup Tomato

  • Mrs Benson Tomato

    What a ride I had growing Mrs Benson tomato! Easily one of the most memorable varieties in 2021. Potato leafed plants were huge producers of one pound fruits, a few were larger. This gem could easily be a main crop for vendors. As far as taste, Mrs Benson didn't disappoint. We sliced many of ours, only to experience a full flavored tomato with very nice texture and aroma when fully ripened. This tomato left nothing to be desired. Balanced and inviting! Totally worth re-growing, and I will in 2022! A must try! Highly Recommended!
  • Aunt Eula's Rockhouse Yellow Tomato is a larger yellow variety with milder and sweet taste. These are great for anyone not liking too much acid in their tomatoes. A few of our fruits exceeded the 1 pound mark, but most were between 8 and 14 ounces. These make prefect sandwich companions and not too many seeds. If you like your tomatoes big yellow and sweeter, you may find this one appealing. 82 days to first ripened fruits. Indeterminate, productive vines produces until season's end.
  • Elgin Pink Tomato

    Elgin Pink is a very, very good tomato. Seriously one of the best for us in 2021. In doing some research for this variety, I discovered that there are two leaf types, regular and potato. Our version is Potato leafed and produced large crops of some of the best tasting beefsteaks that were consistently about 14-16 ounces. Plants were very hard working and vigorous. These came on a bit late but were totally worth waiting for. I would definitely recommend these as a main crop for market, as I already know you will have big production and lots of return customers. Stake well and be ready for some really outstanding tomatoes that would make kick-butt sandwiches. Try these!
  • Out of stock
    This deep red fruits can reach more than one pound. I am elated that I grew these because to me it's what a good tomato should taste like. Kentucky Beefheart tomato is a flavorful variety with full flavor. This a a great sauce tomato. It will also do well as a paste tomato, for cooking stews etc. Not too many seeds and plenty of giving flesh that sauce makers would love!! Our plants were hardy and showed good disease resistance.
  • Mexico Midget Tomato

    A very flavorful cherry variety, Mexico Midget tomato is a pleasure to grow whether you like cherry tomatoes in your salads or just for snacking on. Plants are about 5-6 feet tall, sometimes taller and produce a prolific crop of dime to nickel sized, full flavored cherries that will keep you snacking. These begin to ripen rather, with our first fruits coming in at 65 days. One of the last varieties to remain on the farm. If you want a very dependable cherry tomato with awesome flavor, try Mexico Midget!
  • Zore's Big Red Tomato is truly a sauce and paste specialist. Large red oxhearts have a delicious aroma when fully ripened. Fruits can reach two pounds although most of ours were between the 1-1.5 pound range. Tall wispy leafed plants are good producers of almost perfectly shaped oxhearts that will make you some excellent sauce. Not many seeds, nice and meaty. I tried one of these on a sandwich, very very good. I also made exceptional fresh salsa with these. A really nice selection for the farmers market too. You can't lose with Zore's
  • Portuguese Bullheart Tomato is a very worthy tomato. I really enjoyed watching these grow. Even though  the images don't really show it, this variety produced some of the largest oxhearts that we grow in 2021.  I especially loved it's solid production and hardiness. Neither excessive heat or too much rain seemed to be an issue. Our biggest fruits were closer to 2 pounds, while on the smaller side were ones that weighed about 6 ounces. Tall plants with wispy, regular leaves started ripening their fruits bout 82 days from transplant. Perfect for saucing, cooking and more. A great all purpose variety!
  • Joe’s Portuguese

    Joe's Portuguese Tomato is a large pink tomato with outstanding flavor. Fruits are often around one pound, but often more and have very good aroma. Our regular leafed plants were bushy, around 6 feet tall and stayed healthy throughout the season. Fruits are one pound or more and a pretty pink when fully ripened. They slice very nicely for sandwiches. Good production and old timey solid tomato flavor makes this a good candidate for a main crop or market vendors. Medium firm when ripened. 80 days after transplant to your first ripened fruits. Nice find for us this year!
  • Clayton's Purple is a big, deep pink beefsteak that has fantastic flavor. Most fruits weigh between one and two pounds. Clean and crack-free, you would love these if you like them big and tasty. Its flavor is a bit like the old style tomatoes but not too much. It has a rich and complex finish that will please almost anyone who love that style of tomato. Plants are tall thick and robust. I made many sandwiches with these and truly miss them now that the season has ended. I will continue to grow these annually, whether or not I need seeds. One of my new favorites. About 82 days to first ripened fruits.
  • Ideal Tomato

    Seeds gifted to me by a friend, Ideal tomato is a small slicing variety that is the perfect all purpose variety. The first things that comes to mind is tomato stew, market sales and cooking. Taste is kind of old fashioned, medium mild with good overall balance. This variety is not timid as far s production. Our plants just kept pumping them out. I just wished I had the time to harvest more. Regular leafed plants grew to about 6 feet tall and were always loaded. These were pretty early too, starting to ripen around 72 days from transplant. Honestly, I am not sure that I grew a more useful variety in 2021. If you need is for a tomato that's not too large, one that can cover many bases, this is a great choice!
  • Norcarlina Pink Tomato

    Norcarlina Pink Tomato was discovered in 1999 at a local farmers market and seeds shared. Some have said that it was a renamed variety but at this time there is uncertainty about that. This large pink beefsteak is a delight. It is mild and sweeter with pink flesh with tempting aroma. Texture is also very good and this one is medium firm when ripened. As far as production, that is very good also, making it a god choice for market vendors, which is where it was discovered in the first place. Plants are about 5-6 feet tall and vibrant. They begin to ripen their fruits about 80 days after being transplanted in their final growing spot. These are perfect sandwich companions with really awesome flavor! The next move is yours!!  
  • Spudatula Black Tomato

    Spudatula Black Tomato is another great tasting variety. Its taste is earthy, with nice old tomato flavor. Slices very nice for sandwiches. My plants were potato leafed, about 5 feet tall and prolific. Our first fruits began to ripen about 75 days after transplant. As far s disease, potato leafed varieties always do better for me, so this one stood up well to the conditions, and even through weeks of heavy rain and even more weeks of intense heat and humidity. I am definitely growing this one again. Nice smooth texture for slicing. I love it!
  • Trip L Crop Tomato

    Trip L Crop Tomato is certainly a producer. Our plants produced so many, I thought they would never stop.  3-4 ounce fruits are sweetish with good tomato flavor and plenty character. Plants are tall, perhaps 6-7 feet, bushy and vibrant. This is certainly an all purpose variety and can easily be a main market crop. If you are seeking a huge producer with good flavor, plant these, then prepare yourself with a big basket.
  • Green Krim Cherry tomato is a pretty little tomato with good flavor. Green when ripened, 1-1.5 inch diameter fruits are on the sweet side with plenty juice. These are softish to the touch when fully ripened. Fruity undertones are pleasing and helps to complete this little package. Plants work hard, and although they breezed through our extended rainy times here, they really excelled when it got very hot. A good choice for cherry tomato lovers, if you are willing to try a green when ripened variety!
  • Paul Robeson European tomato is a black plum that has that big flavor of some of the better blacks. Plants are prolific and ripen fruits relatively early. This, to me, was one of the better cherry/plum varieties that I grew in 2021. Deep chocolate fruits have rich flavor that is very satisfying and will encourage garden snacking. A little softer to the touch, this is definitely a great choice for saucing, but if caught before over ripened, would make a great addition to salads. Really good aroma that is consistently tempting.
  • Happy Jack Tomato

    Happy Jack tomato is my favorite new oxheart. I am really impressed! Clean, pretty fruits are borne on very productive, wispy leaved vines with skinny stems. Biggest fruits were 8-12 ounces. These have to be staked properly! No cracking or splitting, with nice, nice flavor and texture. I didn't make anything with these but I did eat quite a few off the vine. This would definitely be a good sandwich tomato. Slices are thick and meaty. Taste is full flavored, well balanced but not strong. Texture is smooth. A realty good tomato experience!  Let me know how these worked out for you!
  • Don't be surprised if Chuck's Yellow tomato becomes one of your favorites. These 8-14 ounce fruits remind me of Kelloggs Breakfast. It has a very solid flavor that is well balanced and full! Texture is super smooth and desirable. My plants were regular leafed and tall, about 6 feet. Production was very good and fruits are not too seedy. Nice tomato for sandwiches and slicing on a platter. Can easily be your GO-TO yellow beefsteak! You'll love this tomato!
  • Daniel Burson Tomato

    Without a doubt, Daniel Burson tomato was a huge hit for us in 2021. This tomato totally surprised me. Production, production, production. In fact it was one of the last remaining in the garden. This cross between Indian Stripe and Daniels happened in the garden of Mr. Bill Jeffers of Evansville Indiana. Our plants were potato leafed and excessively hardy and produced large oblate fruits. Taste is rich and superb! Texture is outstanding! Our plants were about 5 feet tall. If you are looking for a really nice black tomato. Here you go!
  • A very fine little tomato for us this year. I have noticed that this tomato has some long keeper qualities. A Grapoli d'Inverno tomato is an old Italian variety that dates back to the early 1900s. Our plants were loaded with deep red plum shaped fruits that never stopped coming once they began to ripen. These were relatively early! Great caning and dehydrating tomato. May also make good sauce and you will have plenty if you wanna go that route. Taste is forward and old fashioned with some sweetness. This is a nice little tomato.
  • Yellow Stone Tomato

    I am not sure that I have ever grown a tomato with the physical characteristics of Yellow Stone tomato. Very tasty fruits seem flatter than I have experienced before. With that said, it's a solid tomato with nice fruity flavor. To me, this is more like a tropical fruit. It's mild juiciness will suck you right in. Regular leafed plants are about 6 inches tall and productive. About 75 days after transplant, you will begin to harvest red and yellow bi-colored ripened fruits that are around 6-10 ounces. They will keep coming through your growing season. A very satisfying fruit, a very nice find for me. Try these!
  • Candy Tomato


    Candy Tomato

    I discovered Candy tomato this year at my local greenhouse and decided to try a few plants. They did not disappoint. Candy tomato is a bi colored cherry that's especially beautiful when sliced. Taste is very fruity with some sweetness and acids too! I think it's well balanced and a very good little cherry. Plants are about 6 feet tall and produce good amounts of  1-2 inch round fruits. Vines are very hardy and will work hard for you. Excellent disease resistance, one of the best this year for me. Great snack, great for tomato preserves, salads, canning whole and market sales. Recommended
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    Atomic Sunset Tomato

  • Zolotoi Vek Tomato

    Zolotoi Vek tomato is a very sweet yellow with beautiful outer glow. Regular leafed plants are about 6 feet tall and high producing for such large fruits. Ours produced up to one pound fruits. This is a very worthy slicer that will work perfect for sandwiches.  It stayed strong even during heavy rains, deep humidity and intense lengthy periods of heat. Our plants still have their tops and a few blooms, even in mid October. If you want a nice yellow for your sandwiches, try these!

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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