5 BiColored Dwarf Tomato Varieties

If you like pretty tomato with great taste, but don’t have a lot of growing space, I have prepared a short list of 5 bi-colored dwarf tomato varieties here for you.  Any of these should all do well in containers also. I recommend 5 gallon or larger.

Adelaide Festival Dwarf Tomato

Adelaide Festival is a purple and green bi color slicer that will turn heads in your garden. These almost glisten on their 3 foot tall plants. Expect 4-8 ounce tomatoes. This beautiful fruit works well for sandwiches, salads, plating and garnish. Try some in fresh salsa too. 

Delta Dwarf Tomato

This fruit has beauty that is hard to find in a tomato. 4 feet tall, potato leaf plants produce pretty green and red bi-colored fruits. Most of these fruits average 3-6 ounces. Indeterminate plants are loaded and pr produce all season long. Excessively delicious!

Dwarf Tennessee Suited

One of the largest bi-color fruits on a dwarf plant. Dwarf Tennessee Suited tomato is a black bi-colored fruit that can reach 12-14 ounces. These are beautiful even when green on the plant. Perfect for almost anything. Try plating/garnish with these. Great for sandwiches. Container growing, YES! 

Dwarf Firebird Sweet

Dwarf Firebird Sweet tomato is probably going to be one of my favorites for a long time to come. When fully ripened, this is one of the most beautiful bi-colored tomatoes that you would possibly find. Primarily red, with yellow/golden vertical stripes, the taste on these is also superb. Great for small garden spaces and container growing!

Dwarf Blackfire Tomato

A very dark, bi-colored sort, Dwarf Blackfire packs superb taste. 6-10 ounce fruits have beautiful purple and green stripes. Taste is rich and earthy with nice texture. Don’t let it’s colors fool you, this is one that you should try. Production is good. Plants are hardy too! Container growing, yes!

Thanks for checking out this topic. Hope it has been helpful in you finding a pleasing, bi-color dwarf tomato variety for your garden.