Trinidad 7 Pot Yellow Pepper


Trinidad 7 Pot Yellow pepper is another favorite of Caribbean cooks. As a Trinidad native, I have many stories I could tell about this one. For one thing, I cut my pepper teeth on 7 Pot. Once my uncle showed me how to bite tiny pieces of with each mouthful of food, there was no turning back. This pepper has good heat and even though back in the day I thought it was very hot, it’s not the hottest thing out there, especially since my heat tolerance has increased . 7 Pot pepper has some fruitiness, is ideal for flavorful hot sauce, cooking, seasoning and more. Productive 3 feet tall plants light up with yellow fruits around late August. So about 85-90 days to begin ripening. Great for pickled hot peppers, flakes, powders…


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Trinidad 7 Pot Yellow pepper is another favorite of Caribbean cooks. As a Trinidad native, I have many stories I could tell about this one. For one thing, I cut my pepper teeth on 7 Pot. Once my uncle showed me how to bite tiny pieces of with each mouthful of food, there was no turning back. This pepper has good heat and even though back in the day I thought it was very hot, it’s not the hottest thing out there, especially since my heat tolerance has increased . 7 Pot pepper has some fruitiness, is ideal for flavorful hot sauce, cooking, seasoning and more. Productive 3 feet tall plants light up with yellow fruits around late August. So about 85-90 days to begin ripening. Great for pickled hot peppers, flakes, powders…


Additional information

Pepper Seeds


14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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