South African Black Mystery Tomato


South African Black Mystery is a complete tomato. Not only is it beautiful, it is a tomato that has many memorable qualities. Its vines are prolific, somewhat early, and hardy. They produce 6 to 10 ounce, beautiful, brownish fruits which coloration is slightly different than the average black. This is a wonderful tomato with sweetish juice and nicely textured meat. It has a complete finish. Plants performed well through the hotter months. This “Mystery” is definitely an above average tomato that I recommend.


South African Black Mystery is a complete tomato. Not only is it beautiful, it is a tomato that has many memorable qualities. Its vines are prolific, somewhat early, and hardy. They produce 6 to 10 ounce, beautiful, brownish fruits which coloration is slightly different than the average black. This is a wonderful tomato with sweetish juice and nicely textured meat. It has a complete finish. Plants performed well through the hotter months. This “Mystery” is definitely an above average tomato that I recommend.

Additional information

Tomato Seeds


14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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