Ljubitelskiy Rozovy Tomato


80 Days. Ljubitelskiy Rozovy tomato (Любительский Розовый) tomato is one of our personal favorites here on the farm. First grown in 2017, this is the perfect tomato. Seriously everything about this pink beauty is awesome! About 1 pound fruits are produced on regular leaf vines that refuse to stop producing. Fruits are so delicious I  could not stop eating them. Juicy, rich and balanced, with nice old time tomato flavor, this is the all purpose tomato that you want to grow as a main crop. It’s not a fancy looking tomato but it is certainly one of the best for us here! Don’t have a sandwich without this one!


Ljubitelskiy Rozovy Tomato

80 Days. Ljubitelskiy Rozovy tomato (Любительский Розовый) tomato is one of our personal favorites here on the farm. First grown in 2017, this is the perfect tomato. Seriously everything about this pink beauty is awesome! About 1 pound fruits are produced on regular leaf vines that refuse to stop producing. Fruits are so delicious I  could not stop eating them. Juicy, rich and balanced, with nice old time tomato flavor, this is the all purpose tomato that you want to grow as a main crop. It’s not a fancy looking tomato but it is certainly one of the best for us here! Don’t have a sandwich without this one!

Additional information

Tomato Seeds

10 SEEDS, 25 Seeds

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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