Kiwi Tomato


Kiwi Tomato

If you like green when ripened tomatoes as much as I do, or if you have never had one, here is one for you! Kiwi tomato deserves a place in every tomato garden. This 6-10 ounce fruit is sweeter, pleasant and fruity, but not over the top. Texture is on medium firm, smooth and desirable. When fully ripened, they are a nice lime green on the inside and yellowish green on the outside. If this is your first time growing a green variety, check them well after about 75 days. Feel would be the best way to fist determine ripeness. After your first few, you should more easily be able to identify ripened ones by sight. This in is in the realm of Malakhitovaya Shkatulka. Plants have good resistance to early and late blights. A beautiful choice for sandwiches, fresh salsa and tasty green tomato sauce.


Kiwi Tomato

If you like green when ripened tomatoes as much as I do, or if you have never had one, here is one for you! Kiwi tomato deserves a place in every tomato garden. This 6-10 ounce fruit is sweeter, pleasant and fruity, but not over the top. Texture is on medium firm, smooth and desirable. When fully ripened, they are a nice lime green on the inside and yellowish green on the outside. If this is your first time growing a green variety, check them well after about 75 days. Feel would be the best way to fist determine ripeness. After your first few, you should more easily be able to identify ripened ones by sight. This in is in the realm of Malakhitovaya Shkatulka. Plants have good resistance to early and late blights. A beautiful choice for sandwiches, fresh salsa and tasty green tomato sauce.

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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