Dwarf Bendigo Blush Tomato


Get your salad bowl ready! Dwarf Bendigo Blush tomato is going to be perfect for salads! Smaller, plum shaped fruits ripen to a pretty pink. They bear in clusters of 5-7 and start ripening about 70 days after transplant in your garden. Plants have rugose leaves and reach about 2-2.5 feet tall. They produce plenty fruits for their short size. Fruits are plump and firm. They are sweet, juicy and sort of fruity with a little tang. Dwarf Bendigo Blush is perfect for container growing. I will be grown some indoors under T5 lights, this Fall. Great for snacking and more! See Dwarf Bendigo Dawn too!


Dwarf Bendigo Blush Tomato

Get your salad bowl ready! Dwarf Bendigo Blush tomato is going to be perfect for salads! Smaller, plum shaped fruits ripen to a pretty pink. They bear in clusters of 5-7 and start ripening about 70 days after transplant in your garden. Plants have rugose leaves and reach about 2-2.5 feet tall. They produce plenty fruits for their short size. Fruits are plump and firm. They are sweet, juicy and sort of fruity with a little tang. Dwarf Bendigo Blush is perfect for container growing. I will be grown some indoors under T5 lights, this Fall. Great for snacking and more! See Bendigo Dawn too!

Additional information

Tomato Seeds


14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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