• Siberische Appletomat tomato is a semi-determinate variety with high yields. Fruits are beautifully red and yellow bi-colored and can weigh between 3 and 6 ounces. In 2018 we grew them for the first time and were pleasantly surprised with production. Our plants never crossed 3.5 feet tall and were among the heaviest producers in the garden. These also make excellent market tomatoes as they are real head turners. We had many repeat customers because of this variety. As far as diseases, these did well and never really showed any signs. Our  fruits were milder and sweetish. These also kept well after harvest. 70-75 days to first ripened tomatoes!
  • Sky Reacher Tomato


    Sky Reacher Tomato

    Sky Reacher tomato was a gem for us in 2019. Not knowing exactly what to expect, I planted these and waited patiently. What we got was a variety that was beautiful, tasty and prolific. I harvested so many of these that I could literally reach the sky if I stacked them and stood on top! LOL.  The perfect salad and slicing tomato. This variety has nice texture, which along with its stunning bi-colors, makes it perfect for market sales too! It's visually very appealing and will turn heads for you. Taste is balanced with a little tang. I like everything about Sky Reacher. Hardy plants, continually harvesting until frost!
  • Taiga Tomato


    Taiga Tomato

    Karen Olivier has done it again! Her Taiga tomato made big waves in our garden in 2020. I just can't believe how beautiful and tasty these are! 6-12 ounce oxhearts are produced on tall potato leafed plants that start ripening around mid season(75-80 days). Give them a chance to ripen well, then cut and taste. You will find that these are a little fruity, juicy, have lots of nicely textured meat and are delicious! Deceptively weighty, there aren't too many seeds in this gem. Plants are very hardy and are recommended for northern gardens too! Awesome selection for slicing, sandwiches, garnish, cooking or just eating right of the vine.
  • Taste Tomato

    Taste tomato is another winner by Fred Hempel of Artisan Seeds. Seriously, he is a top class breeder and I really respect that. I have grown mostly everything that he has created and they all have been excellent. Taste is a very beautiful red and yellow bicolor fruit that is elongated. It reminds me of Striped Roman, but with better overall taste. This is an excellent choice for any serious tomato grower. Vines are packed loaded with fruits and are also reasonably early. Our first ripened fruits came in around 65 days . Vines are aggressive producers. Try these for sauces, fresh eating, sliced in salads and drying. Great market choice too! See It On YouTube.
  • Tigerette Dwarf Tomato


    Tigerette Dwarf Tomato

    Thinking that it was  much shorter variety, I grow out 5 Tigerette Dwarf tomato plants in 2 gallon containers. They ware two and a half feet tall and needed bigger containers. I would advise 3-5 gallons if you are growing in containers. This beautiful fruit is a plump, red and yellow, slightly above average sized cherry. Taste is mildly sweet with overall mild taste. Dwarf plants have beautiful chartreuse foliage that serves as the perfect backdrop for their bright ripened fruits. Good production, but not prolific. Mid-season variety and perfect for indoor growing under lights.  Canning, cooking, snacking, garnish and more!
  • True Colors Tomato


    True Colors Tomato

    Again, another fascinating bi-colored oxheart from Karen Olivier. Like Midnight Sun, True Colors will blow you away with its taste and beauty. It's almost ironic that this variety is called True Colors when its colors almost seem unreal. Then on the other hand, perhaps that's exactly what Karen planned. These wispy, potato leafed plants, produced 8-14 ounce oxhearts that were always beautiful. Vines were skinny and lanky and would need early staking. Plants produced plenty, though not prolific. I was certainly pleased with production. These were bred by  in Canada by Karen and will be suitable for northern gardens. When fully ripened, these are sweeter, sort of fruity and medium mild. Balance and texture are superb! 70-75 days


14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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