• Evan Shewmaker Tomato

    Absolutely one of my favorite tomatoes that was grown in 2021. Very productive and disease resistant vines produce about one pound beefsteaks all summer long. This variety is hard working and will be worth its keep in your garden. Fruits are deep pink when ripened have a full flavor with the old times feel. A great choice for farmers market, Evan Shewmaker tomato  is a great choice for anyone who loves a big fruit with great flavor and production. 80 days from transplant. Stake well for best results!
  • New Cheef Tomato

    In 2021 I concentrated on mid sized black beefsteak and slicing varieties. New Cheef tomato is one of them. This outstanding potato leafed variety is superb in every sense. Production is good, taste is strong, forward balanced, complexed and complete. I ate many of these in the garden. Our plants showed good disease resistance and worked hare all season long. A great choice for slicing, sandwiches and more. A real solid choice or market vendors. This one will bring you repeat customers. 80 Days!
  • Mikado Black Tomato

    Mikado Black tomato is another very nice variety with solid flavor. These make perfect slicers and are very good on sandwiches. 6 feet tall plants produce very pretty blackish fruits that average about 8 ounces. I really like the aroma these have when fully ripened. Our plants were good with diseases and withstood the heavy rains of June and part of July, to produce abundantly. Good choice also for stewing and market sales. Sweetish and smoky with very good after-taste. A nice selection for any tomato garden!
  • Giant Red Oxheart Tomato is a variety that often weighs 1-2 pounds. Our tall, wispy leafed plants are always good producers and hard workers. Our biggest fruits have been well over 2 pounds with the smallest around 12 ounces. I really like the usability of this variety. It's great for sauces, cooking, paste and because of it's meatiness, even perfect for sandwiches. Not a lot of seeds in this one. A really good and dependable variety that can also be a good market seller! 80 days from planting to first ripened fruits!
  • Eva Purple Ball Tomato

    Eva Purple Ball Tomato has long been one of my most reliable varieties. I thought I had them listed before but I didn't so I grew them out again in 2021 and here they are. If you are seeking a hard working, great tasting little slicer, I promise you, this is a good place to start. Additionally, its regular leafed vines are really disease resistant. That is also a draw for me. They are similar to Arkansas traveler as it pertains to reliability and size. These would make great sandwich tomatoes, excellent for market sales, awesome snacks and so much more. Really a solid  choice for a dependable variety. If you haven't grown these, I recommend them
  • Abraham Green Tomato

    Abraham Green Tomato is a very fine specimen. I believe it's the sister tomato to Abraham brown because they share almost every characteristic except for color. These are sweet and very smooth and very enjoyable!. A perfect tomato lovers tomato, if you are willing to try a green when ripened variety. These come in a little bit late, around 80-90 days from transplant, but they are absolutely worth. Plants are very vibrant and hard working. Production is good! Try these!
  • Big Dolly Red Tomato

    A very large and meaty oxheart tomato, Big Dolly Red did not disappoint in 2021. Wispy leaved and tall plants produced fruits that weighed between 8 ounces and 2 pounds. These began to ripen about 85 days after transplant and continued until season's end. BDR is meaty with great texture for sandwiches, or even sauces. Flavor is robust, forward and complete. Hardy plants and good production. If you are looking for a oxheart variety that produces consistently large fruits, try this one! Stake well!
  • Hershey Boar Tomato

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    These cherry sized fruits are perfect for salad, dehydrating and snacking, especially right off the vine. Our plants fought through weeks of rain to produce good sized crops until season's end. Prolific vines are about 5 feet tall and vibrant. These begin to bloom pretty early, with our first ripened fruits emerging in early July, about 72 days after transplant. Fruits are sweetish with good tomato flavor and very little antho taste. Great Aroma too! Black Strawberry tomato plants need to be staked well for the best results. May do well in larger sized containers.
  • Lush Lovely Tomato

    If you like growing antho tomatoes, this would be a nice one for you to try. Perfect sized fruits have pink bottoms and heavily darkened tops. plants, though not overly prolific, produce lots of fruits. Ours began to ripen about 80 days after transplant and were relatively hardy. Flavor is up front and forward, minus the heavy antho taste. ours survived extreme weather, including excessive water, heat and moisture, to produce until the end of the season. A good find for us.
  • Kanary Tomato

  • Cosmos Tomato

    Cosmos tomato is a fine antho variety that I attained from a friend who got them from a seed bank. These large-sized cherries are ideal for salads and snacking. The will also be great for garnish and canning while or halved. Productive plants start producing and ripening white early and never stop. Get your baskets ready because they never stop coming. Taste is mild, sweet and all-around good. This tomato goes a long way in avoiding the usual antho taste, so I like that a lot. Expect ripened fruits around 75 days from transplant and like I said, expect a lot!
  • A very unique tomato that seems to be sandwich ready, JD'S Special C-Tex Tomato is packed full of flavor too! Productive plants seem to surprise with their production when the finally start. Ours were high producing and just south of mid-season. Fruits were between 6 and 10 ounces, with a few just bigger. Once they have started ripening, you'll have them until frost. A great selection for sandwiches and although n0t a sauce specialist, I did make some very fine sauce with this one. A pleasure to grow. If you haven't tried these, please do!
  • Portuguese Bullheart Tomato is a very worthy tomato. I really enjoyed watching these grow. Even though  the images don't really show it, this variety produced some of the largest oxhearts that we grow in 2021.  I especially loved it's solid production and hardiness. Neither excessive heat or too much rain seemed to be an issue. Our biggest fruits were closer to 2 pounds, while on the smaller side were ones that weighed about 6 ounces. Tall plants with wispy, regular leaves started ripening their fruits bout 82 days from transplant. Perfect for saucing, cooking and more. A great all purpose variety!
  • White Queen Tomato

    If your aim is to grow a high producing, white variety with mildly sweet, fruity flavor, then here it is!. White Queen tomato is a very pretty, blemish-free fruit that weighs about 3-6 ounces. These are also a bit early to ripen, but not the earliest. Ours produced their first ripened fruits about 70 days from transplant. White Queen may not be what you consider a sauce specialist, but it makes some darn good sauce. I also love its aroma and usability in different situations. It's imperative to stake these regular leafed plants.  You would like these, especially for production!
  • Zolotoi Vek Tomato

    Zolotoi Vek tomato is a very sweet yellow with beautiful outer glow. Regular leafed plants are about 6 feet tall and high producing for such large fruits. Ours produced up to one pound fruits. This is a very worthy slicer that will work perfect for sandwiches.  It stayed strong even during heavy rains, deep humidity and intense lengthy periods of heat. Our plants still have their tops and a few blooms, even in mid October. If you want a nice yellow for your sandwiches, try these!
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    Atomic Sunset Tomato

  • Candy Tomato


    Candy Tomato

    I discovered Candy tomato this year at my local greenhouse and decided to try a few plants. They did not disappoint. Candy tomato is a bi colored cherry that's especially beautiful when sliced. Taste is very fruity with some sweetness and acids too! I think it's well balanced and a very good little cherry. Plants are about 6 feet tall and produce good amounts of  1-2 inch round fruits. Vines are very hardy and will work hard for you. Excellent disease resistance, one of the best this year for me. Great snack, great for tomato preserves, salads, canning whole and market sales. Recommended
  • Spudatula Black Tomato

    Spudatula Black Tomato is another great tasting variety. Its taste is earthy, with nice old tomato flavor. Slices very nice for sandwiches. My plants were potato leafed, about 5 feet tall and prolific. Our first fruits began to ripen about 75 days after transplant. As far s disease, potato leafed varieties always do better for me, so this one stood up well to the conditions, and even through weeks of heavy rain and even more weeks of intense heat and humidity. I am definitely growing this one again. Nice smooth texture for slicing. I love it!
  • Yellow Stone Tomato

    I am not sure that I have ever grown a tomato with the physical characteristics of Yellow Stone tomato. Very tasty fruits seem flatter than I have experienced before. With that said, it's a solid tomato with nice fruity flavor. To me, this is more like a tropical fruit. It's mild juiciness will suck you right in. Regular leafed plants are about 6 inches tall and productive. About 75 days after transplant, you will begin to harvest red and yellow bi-colored ripened fruits that are around 6-10 ounces. They will keep coming through your growing season. A very satisfying fruit, a very nice find for me. Try these!
  • Green Krim Cherry tomato is a pretty little tomato with good flavor. Green when ripened, 1-1.5 inch diameter fruits are on the sweet side with plenty juice. These are softish to the touch when fully ripened. Fruity undertones are pleasing and helps to complete this little package. Plants work hard, and although they breezed through our extended rainy times here, they really excelled when it got very hot. A good choice for cherry tomato lovers, if you are willing to try a green when ripened variety!
  • Happy Jack Tomato

    Happy Jack tomato is my favorite new oxheart. I am really impressed! Clean, pretty fruits are borne on very productive, wispy leaved vines with skinny stems. Biggest fruits were 8-12 ounces. These have to be staked properly! No cracking or splitting, with nice, nice flavor and texture. I didn't make anything with these but I did eat quite a few off the vine. This would definitely be a good sandwich tomato. Slices are thick and meaty. Taste is full flavored, well balanced but not strong. Texture is smooth. A realty good tomato experience!  Let me know how these worked out for you!
  • Don't be surprised if Chuck's Yellow tomato becomes one of your favorites. These 8-14 ounce fruits remind me of Kelloggs Breakfast. It has a very solid flavor that is well balanced and full! Texture is super smooth and desirable. My plants were regular leafed and tall, about 6 feet. Production was very good and fruits are not too seedy. Nice tomato for sandwiches and slicing on a platter. Can easily be your GO-TO yellow beefsteak! You'll love this tomato!
  • Paul Robeson European tomato is a black plum that has that big flavor of some of the better blacks. Plants are prolific and ripen fruits relatively early. This, to me, was one of the better cherry/plum varieties that I grew in 2021. Deep chocolate fruits have rich flavor that is very satisfying and will encourage garden snacking. A little softer to the touch, this is definitely a great choice for saucing, but if caught before over ripened, would make a great addition to salads. Really good aroma that is consistently tempting.
  • Daniel Burson Tomato

    Without a doubt, Daniel Burson tomato was a huge hit for us in 2021. This tomato totally surprised me. Production, production, production. In fact it was one of the last remaining in the garden. This cross between Indian Stripe and Daniels happened in the garden of Mr. Bill Jeffers of Evansville Indiana. Our plants were potato leafed and excessively hardy and produced large oblate fruits. Taste is rich and superb! Texture is outstanding! Our plants were about 5 feet tall. If you are looking for a really nice black tomato. Here you go!
  • Trip L Crop Tomato

    Trip L Crop Tomato is certainly a producer. Our plants produced so many, I thought they would never stop.  3-4 ounce fruits are sweetish with good tomato flavor and plenty character. Plants are tall, perhaps 6-7 feet, bushy and vibrant. This is certainly an all purpose variety and can easily be a main market crop. If you are seeking a huge producer with good flavor, plant these, then prepare yourself with a big basket.
  • Mrs Benson Tomato

    What a ride I had growing Mrs Benson tomato! Easily one of the most memorable varieties in 2021. Potato leafed plants were huge producers of one pound fruits, a few were larger. This gem could easily be a main crop for vendors. As far as taste, Mrs Benson didn't disappoint. We sliced many of ours, only to experience a full flavored tomato with very nice texture and aroma when fully ripened. This tomato left nothing to be desired. Balanced and inviting! Totally worth re-growing, and I will in 2022! A must try! Highly Recommended!

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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