My Favorite Potato Leaf Tomato Varieties

I remember the days when I just wouldn’t plant a potato leaf (PL) tomato plant because I was told that they would easily cross-pollinate with my regular leafed varieties. This was more than 30 years ago. I have grown in knowledge so much since then, that potato leafed varieties are now some of my favorite things to grow. One of my observations is that they respond better to fungicides when treated for blights. It may just be my observation, but for me that’s important. Another observation is that they very seldom produce tomatoes that are bland. Almost everything coming off of potato leafed plants have flavor that I could work with. I am always willing to try anything growing on PL plants. So here are some of my favorite potato leaf tomato varieties.

Captain Lucky Tomato Is Always Tasty

Captain Lucky TomatoCaptain Lucky tomato has beEn on my radar for about 6 years now. I love the plant’s production and taste. When I think of these I immediately think about making some nice fresh salsas and using them for garnishing. Our plants have always been good when it comes to resisting diseases. Even in the most difficult growing conditions, you can expect to get a good harvest. These have balanced flavor with plenty of juice and some aspects of fruitiness! A great choice for any garden. As a side note, Captain Lucky has a white cousin(Captain Lucky White) which is also a potato leaf variety and also very good!

Pink Brandywine Everybody’s Favorite Tomato

I’m not sure if it’s fair to mention Pink Brandywine on this list, because it has long been understood that it’s on everybody’s list. But just to make sure that I cover all of my bases I decided to add it. Pink Brandywine is among the most referred tomato when we speak about heirloom and open pollinated varieties. Consistently large and meaty fruits can easily reach 1.5 pounds and are medium firm. I grow them for their flavor which is always delicious. If you like making really flavorful sandwiches, you will never go wrong with these. If you ever grow these, expect to get good production too!

Cleota Pink Tomatoes Are Meaty And Tasty

I happen to think that Cleota Pink tomato is a better tomato than Pink Brandywine. It’s a totally different flavor and texture to it’s Brandywine potato leafed cousin. This is also a very large variety that will  please you with it’s good production. Truly, this beauty excites me and I will always include it on my “best large tomatoes” lists. Very meaty and delicious, Cleota Pink will produce 1.5 pounders all season long. They make some of the best sandwiches too. I just love slicing them up in the garden on a hot day. Thirst’s gone!

Get Lucky With Little Lucky Heart Tomato

Little-Lucky-Heart-TomatoI just love this little tomato and I so happy that it could make my favorite potato leaf tomato varieties list because it is really a fantastic little tomato. Beautiful heart shaped, bi-colored fruits that weigh about 2-4 ounces, will blow you away with their flavor. Sweet, fruity and slightly tangy,  It’s vines are also high producing and relentless. These are great for anything really. But I like to use them for fresh salsa, cooking, fresh eating and tomato preserves. Perfect for drying for some of the tastiest tomato flakes or powder! If you haven’t grown Little Lucky Heart tomato, you should!

Kansas Depression Tomato Is Rare And Flavorful

Grown for the first time in 2017, Kansas Depression is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth addiction. By far, this is the sweetest variety of all that are mentioned in this post. This is a great sandwich tomato that is equally good as a stand alone fruit. Vines are not super productive but they produce plenty 1-2 pound fruits. Kansas Depression tomato is just not sweet, there is also some complexities to it’s other flavors that results in a really well balanced fruit. they this just once and you will always grow it, guaranteed!

Behemoth King Is Truly A Tomato King

If meat and taste is what you are after, Behemoth King will certainly get the job done for you. Hefty fruits are made to please. These are mostly all meat with very few seeds and high flavor. They are also a very balanced tomato. I think that Behemoth King is  primarily a sandwich maker, but it performs excellently in many different applications. You must try these right off the vine. I promise you a superb experience!

So now that you have seen my favorite potato leaf tomato varieties that I highly recommend, are you tempted?