Solar Flare Tomato


80 Days. Solar Flare tomato is a medium sized bi-color slicer that has good taste appeal. Bursting with yellow and reds, it lightens up any garden when ripened. A great sandwich tomato, this gem makes really good sauce too! Looks beautiful on a tomato platter! Hardy and prolific vines produce a huge amount of 8-16 ounce fruits that begin to ripen around mid-season. Stake well because vines will be heavy with tomatoes. I have found that these are also great for market


Solar Flare Tomato

80 Days. Solar Flare tomato is a medium sized bi-color slicer that has good taste appeal. Bursting with yellow and reds, it lightens up any garden when ripened. A great sandwich tomato, this gem makes really good sauce too! Looks beautiful on a tomato platter! Hardy and prolific vines produce a huge amount of 8-16 ounce fruits that begin to ripen around mid-season. Stake well because vines will be heavy with tomatoes. I have found that these are also great for market

Additional information

Tomato Seeds

10 SEEDS, 25 Seeds

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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