Rejina Yellow Micro Dwarf Tomato


Rejina Yellow micro dwarf tomato is an average sized cherry tomato that are borne on 8-10 inch plants. They are sweeter and mild with good flavor and plenty of juice. Ripened fruits are softer and have a really nice tomato aroma. tomatoes ripen to a very beautiful angry yellow. Plants produces a lot of fruits for their diminutive sizes. You can expect ripened fruit around 50-55 days after transplant.


Rejina Yellow Micro Dwarf Tomato

Rejina Yellow micro dwarf tomato is an average sized cherry tomato that are borne on 8-10 inch plants. They are sweeter and mild with good flavor and plenty of juice. Ripened fruits are softer and have a really nice tomato aroma. Tomatoes ripen to a very beautiful angry yellow. Plants produce a lot of fruits for their diminutive sizes. But that’s not all, they are very tasty. Expect ripened fruit around 50-55 days after transplant. After first harvest, plants produce a smaller second crop. These will easily be grown out in a 3/4 gallon containers, but 1 gallon would work great too. In fact, ours are in 3/4 gallon sized containers, and do excellently. Regina Yellow tomatoes are great for salads, canning and snacking.

Additional information

Tomato Seeds


14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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