Negrillo de Almoguera Tomato


Negrillo de Almoguera Tomato

There is so much I could say about this cultivar. Let me start by saying that it’s definitely worth growing. If you love black varieties or even if you have never tried them before, Negrillo de Almoguera tomato is a great way to get you hooked or to keep you coming back. Originating in La Mancha  Spain, this very dark variety is beautiful and tasty. Fruits can reach 12-14 ounces but average 8-10. Taste is rich, complex and inviting. Great sandwich tomato with not much evident acidity. Plants produce prolifically and demonstrate good disease resistance. A great choice for market sales too. This baby really shines on a sandwich  and well garnished platter. Recommended! Click Here To See It On YouTube.


Negrillo de Almoguera Tomato

There is so much I could say about this cultivar. Let me start by saying that it’s definitely worth growing. If you love black varieties or even if you have never tried them before, Negrillo de Almoguera tomato is a great way to get you hooked or to keep you coming back. Originating in La Mancha  Spain, this very dark variety is beautiful and tasty. Fruits can reach 12-14 ounces but average 8-10. Taste is rich, complex and inviting. Great sandwich tomato with not much evident acidity. Plants produce prolifically and demonstrate good disease resistance. A great choice for market sales too. This baby really shines on a sandwich  and well garnished platter. Recommended! Click Here To See It On YouTube.

Additional information

Tomato Seeds

10 SEEDS, 25 Seeds

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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