Desdemona’s Heart Tomato


If beauty, taste and production is what you love in your tomatoes, then Desdemona’s Heart tomato might satisfy tour desires. Similar to Orange Russian 117, this oxheart variety is certainly worth growing. vines produce plenty 4-10 ounce beefsteaks that are mostly yellow inside, with some pink/red marbling. Fruits are sweet, meaty, have great texture and some underlying fruitiness. You can expect your first ripened tomatoes around the 80 day mark. Proper staking can certainly help. Perfect variety for sandwiches, sauces, market sales, fresh eating, cooking and garnishing. Truthfully, you can do anything with Desdemona’s Heart! Vines have shown good disease resistance in our gardens.


Desdemona’s Heart Tomato

If beauty, taste and production is what you love in your tomatoes, then Desdemona’s Heart tomato might satisfy tour desires. Similar to Orange Russian 117, this oxheart variety is certainly worth growing. vines produce plenty 4-10 ounce beefsteaks that are mostly yellow inside, with some pink/red marbling. Fruits are sweet, meaty, have great texture and some underlying fruitiness. You can expect your first ripened tomatoes around the 80 day mark. Proper staking can certainly help. Perfect variety for sandwiches, sauces, market sales, fresh eating, cooking and garnishing. Truthfully, you can do anything with Desdemona’s Heart! Vines have shown good disease resistance in our gardens.

Additional information

Tomato Seeds

10 SEEDS, 25 Seeds

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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