• Garlic Chives Seeds


    Garlic Chives Seeds.

    If you have never used Garlic chives in your cuisines, I am here to tell you that this is one of the most versatile herbs ever! A favorite of the orients, these work well in almost situation where garlic is needed. I especially love them in soups (garnished or cooked in), oriental cooking such as curries and seafoods. I also make a mean butterfly shrimp using these as a base sautéed olive oil. Use like you would green onions or chives. What I like most about these is that they keep coming back year after year, so just cut yourself some sprigs and watch them come back. Awesome garlicy aroma, awesome flavor!
  • Dwarf Siberian Kale

    Dwarf Sibearian Kale is a tasty, green leafed kale. I grow these every year in my garden and totally love them. This green, curly leafed variety is easy to harvest and will grow from Spring to late fall and even through warmer winters. A great source of vital A and C . Also contains trace amounts of calcium and Iron.  It  makes the best sautéed greens, and green juices. I also love them in kale salad.. 5 weeks to first harvest.
  • Chinese Pak Choy Seeds


    Chinese Pak Choy Seeds

    Chinese Pak Choy is absolutely my favorite green. Each year I grow tons of them just for sautee and as micro greens for my salads. Dark green leaves sit on tender white stems that will produce well through Spring and into early Summer. About one month before Fall most Bok Choy farmers start a second crop. Doing so affords a great and timely fall crop! Chinese Pak Choy seeds can be started directly in the garden or transplanted from their starter containers. Also known as Chinese Cabbage, this beautiful green can also be eaten raw.
  • Out of stock

    Fordhook Giant Swiss Chard

    Fordhook Giant Swiss chard is truly the giant of the chard world because it is not uncommon to see its crinkled leaves reaching more than 2 fee tall. Swiss chard is noted for it's nutrients that does the body good! Fordhook is especially popular for its great taste and versatility! Sautee some with some olive oil, salt and pepper. That's all you need!
  • Astro Arugula


    Astro Arugula

    Astro Arugula is a nutty and slightly spicy variety. It has leaves that are less lobed than other varieties and baby leaves can be clipped as earl as 3 weeks after sowing. One of my personal varieties, I have tried this Astro in salads and sandwiches more times that I can remember! It loves cooler weather so seeds can be sowed directly into the garden in early spring. A beautiful addition to any herb garden. Try some again in early fall by planting seeds towards the middle to end of August. A beautiful treat, even on pizzas etc!
  • Clemson Spineless Okra

    Clemson Spineless Okra is a prolific and popular variety that was developed in 1939. Perhaps one of the more popular varieties, Clemson Spineless is also very early. In most cases first harvest could be done around 60 days after transplant. Seeds can be directly sowed once the soil is warm enough or started indoors and transplanted in the garden. Okras should be harvested when smaller for best use and taste. I break a few tips off. If they break right off then they are ready for harvest. If they don't, they could be past the point where they are totally edible. Plants can grow from 5 to 8 feet.
  • Calabrese Green Sprouting Broccoli

    If you love greens, Calabrese Green Sprouting Broccoli would certainly become one of your favorites. This Italian variety has big heads that can average 5-8 inches. I also love it because its head produce a lot of side shoots, producing even more food. For market vendors, this variety is highly recommended.  For best results, start early in spring or fall.  Will do excellently in hotter climates when started in early fall or spring. Flowers and leaves can also be eaten. Head is very delicious eaten raw, lightly steamed or sauteed. Can also be eaten as a micro-green. Seeds are freshly packed just for your! Happy gardening! Visit Our Garden Greens category for more delicious greens!
  • Roquett Arugula


    Roquette Arugula

    Without a doubt, Roquette Arugula is my favorite to grow and eat. It's the very first arugula variety that I ever grew years ago and it's still my go-to variety. Also known as salad rocket, it's not only delicious, but  very nutritious too. Add some spicy zest to your salads, sandwiches, pizza and more. Loves cooler weather. Start directly in your garden in early spring, then again in late summer for fall crops.
  • Cabbage-Red Acre


    Cabbage-Red Acre

    Don't be surprised if this turns out to be one of the best cabbages that you ever had. This beauty has so many upsides that you may grow it each year. Not only is it very visually appealing, but it is also tasty, early, perfect for containers and has very good disease resistance. Red Looks and taste awesome in cole slaw! These can also get as large as 4 pounds!  Good in cooler climates and matures around 85 days. A perfect farmers market item. If you're a cabbage lover, try these, you'll be hooked!
  • This is an early variety was developed in Denmark and is noted for it's resistance to splitting.  When ready, they can reach 3-4 pounds. This variety also has excellent fresh cabbage flavor. Copenhagen Market Cabbage is an early variety that matures around 65-75 days from transplant. Great for any cabbage dish, includine cloe slaw. Start seeds about 6 weeks before last frost and set them out early in spring when frost free! These can handle a little coldness.

  • Even though these prefer cooler temperatures, they perform very well over most regions in the USA. Long Island Brussels Sprouts is more of a compact variety that will yield between 50 and 100 sprouts over the season. These tiny cabbage-like sprouts are great for roasting, pickling or situation where you would normally use greens. Very versatile! Sweeter taste when harvested later in the season, but can be harvested at any time, even before full maturity. Easy to grow!!
  • Chioggia Beet


    Chioggia Beet

    Avery beautiful beet inside and out, this one stands out in the crowd! When sliced, Chioggia Beet displays beautiful concentric circles of pinks and whites. An old Italian variety, it will light up your life with its colors and taste that stays true to the beet family. Use it as you would any other beet. Pickling, boiling, cooking, roasting, salads etc, or with other vegetables, and so much more. Rich and earthy beet flavor that leaves nothing to be desired! Start early in Spring and you can expect maturity about 60 days after planting.  
  • Morris Heading Collards

    Morris Heading Collards is an old southern green that is a cultural favorite. This tasty variety is said to taste line butter. I really don't find that to be necessarily true. In my experience, it's very soft, smooth tasting and sort of nutty. With that said, it's very, very delicious and shouldn't be overlooked. One of my favorite greens that I grow from time to time.  These are also slower to bolt. Rich in vitamins and minerals. If you love collars, try this one!!
  • Florence Fennel

    Florence Fennel There are so many ways in which you can use fennel. Here we use it in pasta salad, in seafoods, as stuffing in fish in soups and more. Fennel is one of the most popular herbs used in cooking today. Its flavor is so distinct, that you cannot mistake it for anything else. My friend, a chef, wrapped Florence Fennel in foil with crab legs, then grilled it for a short while. The crab flavor was amazing!  My favorite ways to use it is in creamy type soups and middle East cuisine. Although most people use just the bulbs, the entire plant is edible. If you have never used fennel, try this most popular variety in your next dish!
  • Red Russian Kale

  • Vates Blue Scotch Curled Kale

    If you love kale, Vates Blue Scotch Curled would be an awesome variety for you to try. Plants are short, perhaps 12 inches and produce some of the most beautiful and nutritious leaves that you could ever find. These can be used in salads, garnish, in soups or anything that you use kale for. Especially sweet after a light frost and is reasonably cold hardy. Plant in early spring for summer harvest, or, if you wish, in late summer for a fall harvest.
  • Southern Giant Curled Mustard is one of my favorite greens. I direct seed them early in Sprig and thin them out a few weeks early. They can also be started in pots and then transplanted in the garden. Heavily curled bright green leaves are ready to start harvesting  just about 4 weeks from transplant. Perfect for mix salad greens and sautéed. Works well too in soups! Great for early spring and fall crops!  
  • Lacinato Kale


    Lacinato Kale.

    Lacinato Kale is a delicious, hardy variety that is used by home cooks and professional chefs all round the world. Along with being very easy to grow, these can do well even in hotter environments. Strutting dark green, bluish leaves that are long and narrow, these can begin to be harvested for salads etc, as early as one month after transplant. For bigger harvest over a longer period, grow them out to maturity. Taste is semi sweet and even sweeter after a light freeze. Cold tolerant and can survive winter weather, even here in Indiana.
  • Opopeo Amaranth

    Opopeo Amaranth has large red/purple flower heads and  greenish brown/bronze leaves that are, when tender, edible and delicious. In your flower garden, these will stand tall and erect, creating a spectacle du jour. Your gardens will never be dull with these and you will have fresh greens all summer long. These start blooming about 65 days after germination, which is best done via direct seeding. These do well when transplanted too. If you are into milling, Opopeo produces plenty seeds for your mill. Makes great flour!
  • White Icicle Radish

    White Icicle Radish White Icicle Radish is a favorite of mine. I am not a big radish lover but I can definitely deal with this one. These are crisp and can grow to 5-6 inches long. These have a slightly spicy flavor. Easy to start by direct sowing in early spring after frost has passed and again in late summer for beautiful Fall crop. Early maturity at 30-50 days.
  • Michihili Chinese Cabbage is a strong flavored variety that is preferred by chefs worldwide. Texture is delicate and flavor is slightly sweet and very delicious. This is a semi-heading variety that has longer cylindrical heads. Cream colored base that changes from light to dark green towards the top side of leaves. Leaves are also ruffled. Truly a gourmet cabbage!
  • Large American Flag Leek

    Large Flag American Leek is is noted for its large leaves and stems. Here in the USA, this variety is really cold tolerant and does well in zones 2-11. It has a light/mild onion flavor that works well in cuisines. I have used in soups, salads, seasonings. It's perfect when seasoning meats and fish. It's also commonly called Scotch Flag leek. 15-18 inches tall and non-bulbing.
  • Turnip-Purple Top White Globe is just as its name says. Round roots turn purple on top and white at the bottom. These can reach between 4-6 inches but are best when they are a bit smaller. Mildly sweet when baked boiled or roasted.  Great in soups and stews too!!

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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