Splash Of Cream is a smaller red slicer that is mild and juicy. Its shorter vines have bi-color leaves of varying whites and greens, making to a sight to behold. Tomatoes go through several stages of colors, (including white and green), before ripening to red. This is mostly a decorative variety whose fruits can be used for cooking, salsas or tomato juice.
75 Days. Raspberry Vikrant is a determinate variety that produces heavily. Smooth 5 to 8 ounce fruits, ripen to a tender pinkish red. Fruits are clean and blemish free. This, along with its nice flavor, makes it a good candidate for market vendors. Fruits are mildly sweet, juicy, with a slight acidic under-tone. Good for container growing!
Al Kuffa Dwarf tomato is a mild fruit with plenty of good tomato taste. If you like red tomatoes but want less intensity this is a good choice. Its plants are short (perhaps 2.5 to 3 feet tall), and are always loaded with golf ball sized fruits. You can expect your first ripened fruits about 75 days after transplant. Stake these well.
Summer Sunrise Dwarf Tomato
Summer Sunrise Dwarf tomato was one of my favorites of the 2017 growing season. It produced a lot of 6 to 12 ounce, canary yellow fruits with a pinkish blush at the bottom end. They were exceptionally delicious, especially when well ripened. 3.5 foot plants produced plenty fruits all the way until frost. If you love tomato sandwiches, Dummer Sunrise would work excellently. But that's not all. Sauces, salsa and more would love to have these! They are absolutely good fantastic when eaten right off the vine! These are perfect in containers 5 gallons or larger. Great for patio growing and do excellently in the ground too. Try em, you'll like them! 80 Days. See it on YouTube! OSSI Pledge -
75 Days. If you ever wanted a cherry tomato variety that produces heavily, Gardener's Delight would be one for you. Big bushy vines produce what seems like millions of regular sized, deep red cherries. Gardener's tomatoes are sweeter and full flavored. Great old time tomato feel n a cherry tomato. Great for snacking, salads and dehydrating. BTW, kids love them!
Out of stockBundaberg Rumball tomato is a beautiful little dwarf cherry that shouldn't be overlooked. I haven't heard much hype about it but I'm here to say, there should be! Short 3 foot plants produce plenty of greenish-brown tomatoes that are perfect for many applications. The one that first comes to my mind is salsa. They can also be as snacks and fresh eating right off the plant, canned when greener or almost ripened, and used for cooking. About 3 ft tall vines will produce early and a really good amount for the size of the plant. They will need some staking. If you're growing in containers, plant deep and feed in a timely manner.
Out of stockI first grew Orange Cream as an experiment in my basement in 5 gallon buckets under lights during the winter of 2015. The experience was fulfilling and rewarding. They produced a good quantity of 4 to about 8 ounce, yellowish tomatoes with pink stripes on the bottom end. Under T5 lights they produced their first ripened fruits in about 80 days. Later that spring, I planted some in the garden and they produced fruits at about 85 days. When fully ripened, Dwarf Orange Cream is sweet, full flavored, and juicy. It is not a very intense tomato, but it is very satisfying. A great selection for those seeking milder, sweet tomatoes. In the fields, the plants grew to about 3 feet and in containers they were 5 inches taller--make of it what you wish. Overall this is a really great tomato that has everything to like about it. I especially appreciate its good disease resistance.
Dwarf Sweet Sue tomato is exactly what its name suggest. But there is more! A perfect variety for anyone with little space or doing container growing, this variety will out-produce almost any dwarf variety. Three foot tall plants are tree type and have rugose leaves. They grow clusters of 4-5 tomatoes that begin to ripen 75 days after transplant. Tomatoes are sweet and juicy. This is a great variety for sauces, cooking, fresh eating , slicing and salsa. Not many of them have made it out of the garden. One of my favorites for snacking while I am working!
Fred's Tie Dye dwarf tomato is a dwarf lover's dream. It's a smaller plant that produces big crops of beautiful and tasty fruits. Not only that, 3 foot tall plants are also very hardy and stand up well to diseases. Fruits are a beautiful reddish, purple and green combination and ripen about 80 days after transplant. If taste is high on your list, Fred's Tie Dye is a gift for you! Rich, juicy, balanced and full flavored, this gem can be used for almost anything. Sandwiches are happy when there are some slices of Fred's leading the cast. It's also a great salsa maker, beautiful for slicing, fresh eating, cooking or even garnishing. It is a very beautiful tomato that comes highly recommended! Grow some in containers too!
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Gandolf Tomato
Gandolf tomato is a taller dwarf plant that has a vine habit. It produces some of the prettiest bi-color, red and yellow, blunt heart-shaped tomatoes. Determinate, stringy plants can be five feet tall and prolific. I have noticed that like Grinch Cherry, these hate to lose a bloom. As a result, mostly all of their blooms turn into fruits. Gandolf plants have to be staked early. -
Out of stockDon't be surprised if you grow this little gem each year. Grinch Cherry dwarf tomato is a beautiful, pear shaped, nickel size or slightly larger dwarf variety that is know for being prolific and early. In fact, many times they've been the earliest to ripen in our garden. Grinch Cherry is mild, soft, very juicy, and flavorful. They are perfect for fresh eating off the vine, cooking, garnishing, and for people who like milder tomatoes. Be sure to check them often, about 65 to 70 days after transplant, to harvest a few ripened ones. Perfect variety for container growing but need to be caged because vines like to sprawl.
Kangaroo Paw Green tomato is a salsa lover's dream. It's also a great canning, cooking and garnishing tomato too. I enjoy them best right off the plant. This is a perfect variety for container or ground growing. I have successfully grown them in 4 gallon containers. A larger cherry type, I know you will have fun growing them, especially because they are early. In the garden I plant them 2 feet apart. Vines are prolific and fruits are firm, tangy and juicy. They begin to ripen about 70 days after transplant. Great choice for market vendors.
If you are seeking a perfect container variety that will produce bigger crops, Dwarf Lime Green Salad tomato is a great choice. They are perfect for salsa, salads, cooking and canning. Don't forget to eat some right off the vine too! Lime Green Salad plants are rugose leafed and about 2.5 feet tall when mature. They produce big crops of 2.3 inch oblate fruits that are mostly green with a yellowish tint, when ripened. They have great disease resistance and are always determined to produce. Excellent choice for container and ground growing. Plant these 2 feet apart in your garden!
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Flora Gold Micro Dwarf Tomato
When I first saw a ripened Flora Gold micro dwarf tomato plant, I was very impressed. I couldn't believe how such a short plant could produce such beautiful and tasty fruits. When I tasted these little gems, I was hooked and became totally opened to trying micros on a bigger scale. Flora Gold plants are a little taller than most of the other micro varieties. Ours consistently reached 8-12 inches tall. What stood out to me is that they did not need any staking. Plants are firm, strong and are loaded with fruits from the very bottom shoots all the way up! Bite in and you would find a perfectly balanced tomato with very pleasing under-tones. This is a very good cherry that performs well in 3/4 to 1 gallon containers! 72 days to ripen. -
Out of stockHahms Gelbe micro dwarf tomato is my favorite to look at when it's ripening its fruits. 8-10 inch plants produce regular sized, pale yellow tomatoes that are so beautiful that you just don't want to eat them. Fruits are sweeter and mild with a lot of good juice! Our plants begin to ripen their fruits about 70 days after we transplanted them. Like all of our micro dwarf varieties, we successfully grew these in 3/4 gallon containers. These had to be staked because they were so loaded and top-heavy. chopsticks worked excellently. Perfect for salads and snacking! Kids love them!
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Lille Lise Micro Dwarf Tomato
Lille Lise tomato is a truly decorative 8 inch plant that bears some tasty, red cherry tomatoes. What' s more, it's a pretty prolific variety for its small size. Have a look at our posted images and you would see that this little gem is just loaded with bright red tomatoes. When well ripened, Lille Lise micro dwarf tomato is full flavored and slightly fruity. It tends to be on the sweet side. The overall taste is great! Plants begin to ripen their fruits about 72 days after transplant. Use 3/4 to 1 gallon containers for optimum production. There are no benefits to using anything bigger. Try some of these, you'll love em! -
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Micro Tom Tomato
Micro Tom tomato is perhaps the shortest tomato plant around. This variety always surprises me with its growing habit and production. Growing to about 3 inches tall, this puny thing is quick to bloom and fruit. You can expect ripened tomatoes about 65 days after transplant. Tomatoes are deep red and tapers a bit on the bottom end. When you taste them, you will get a burst of tang and juice. They are firm and crunchy. These are also excellent keepers that perform admirably in salads. 1/2 to 3/4 gallon containers would work well! They are a lot of fun to grow.. -
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Mohamed Micro Dwarf Tomato (Back In Stock)
Without a doubt, Mohamed micro dwarf tomato is my favorite variety as far as production. This awesome variety is a workhorse. Before I continue, allow me to say that it is also a winner as it pertains to taste. Sweetish, juicy, forward and satisfying, would be the perfect description. Ours grew to about 7 inches tall and were so loaded that they needed early staking. We use chopsticks for staking. They work excellently. You can expect ripened fruits about 72 days after transplant. 3/4 to 1 gallon containers work excellently! -
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Orange Hat Micro Dwarf Tomato
Orange Hat micro dwarf tomato is very similar to Pinocchio Yellow, in taste, size and color. They are different as far as growing habit and production time. Unlike Pinocchio, Orange Hat has a more upright growing habit and does not send out as many suckers. For comparison purposes, I grew them both side by side and found that Pinocchio was six days earlier to ripen. Orange Hat is very tasty, mildly fruity and soft. It has a high aroma and tender skin. Plants are about 6-8 inches depending on your light source. This tomato is a fruit in the true sense. Perfect for snacking and salads. Jams and jellies would certainly shine with these, also. 3/4 to 1 gallon containers would work great! -
Out of stockTiny Tom micro dwarf tomato is a very worthy variety. I love this one a lot because it has a very nice flavor and it produces quite a lot of fruits. For us, vines grew to about 8-10 inches tall and produced plenty of nickel sized fruits which begin to blush around the 70 day mark. I also like this one because it's eager to produce a smaller second crop. Keep it fed and it will go a long way for you! Like most of our other micro dwarf varieties, these do well in 3/4 gallon containers. Some support may be needed as a prop for fruit heavy tops!
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Minibel Tomato
Minibel tomato is a perfect container variety. Plants can grow to about 18 inches and produce some fire red fruits. They vary between dime and quarter size. Fruits are mild and sweeter with medium thick skin. If you are paying attention, you can expect your first wave of ripened tomatoes around the 70 day mark. Use 3/4 to 1 gallon containers for these. Perfect for snacking and salads. I haven't met a kid that didn't like them! -
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Aztek Micro Dwarf Tomato
Out Of Stock! Aztek micro dwarf tomato is a sweet, juicy and kind of fruity. It's really a lot of fun to grow! Plants grow to about 8 inches tall. They are loaded with beautiful fruits that are whitish when green. You can expect your first ripened fruits about 65- 70 days after transplant. Once the plant begins to ripen its tomatoes, you will be blessed with an abundance of very tasty fruits. Sweet and firmest with good balance, Aztek is perfect for snacking on or salads, jams, jellies and canning. Like some other dwarf varieties, you may also be blessed with a second, smaller crop if you feed and water often. Ours have always been grown in 3/4 gallon containers and do exceptionally well. We grow both outdoors and under lights indoors during the winter. Many more awesome micro dwarf varieties awaiting you, Here! -
Out of stockGrowing to only about 3 inches, Baby micro dwarf tomato is perhaps the smallest plant of all the micro dwarf varieties. But don't let the tiny plant size lull you to sleep. This is a very willing producer of pretty red cherry tomatoes. Fruits are tangy, juicy and mildly sweet. They keep very well after harvest. Grows perfectly in half gallon containers. In my opinion, there is no advantage to using a larger container. Great in salads and eaten of of the plant.
Out of stockGold Pearl is a beautiful cherry tomato that performs well indoors or out. It also does very well in 3/4 to 1 gallon containers. Growing to about 1.5 feet at maturity, this gem is very prolific and hardy. Its fruits are sweet, earthy and soft. A little staking may be necessary. Fruits begin to ripen about 70 days after transplant. Expect plenty of little yellow tomatoes for an extended period! Great as a treat or in salads. May be good for jams and jellies!