Delicious Hunt Strain Tomato
Delicious (Hunt Strain) tomato is a beefsteak lover's dream. This tomato is so large, meaty and good that you would need nothing more if these were the only beefsteaks you grew. Strong, disease resistant vines, produce plenty of huge beefsteaks that often cross 2 pounds. I have been saving seeds only from the biggest and everything is over 2 pounds. These are the same seeds that I offer on our website. Fruits are balanced and full flavored. Just the best! Check out our images. Do with these whatever you want!! PS: I have a difficult time selling these at the market because they are so large. They sell better towards the end of the season when they are smaller and around 1 pound. -
Dwarf Sibearian Kale is a tasty, green leafed kale. I grow these every year in my garden and totally love them. This green, curly leafed variety is easy to harvest and will grow from Spring to late fall and even through warmer winters. A great source of vital A and C . Also contains trace amounts of calcium and Iron. It makes the best sautéed greens, and green juices. I also love them in kale salad.. 5 weeks to first harvest.
Emmy tomato is a smaller yellow fruit that packs great flavor. 70 Days. Years ago at my local farmers market, I noticed many people flocking a particular booth. I inquired and found out that they were there to purchase Emmy. the following year I grew out 5 plants. Big hit! These little gems are sweet, fruit, rich and delicious. They are perfect for snacking in the garden, sweet tomato stew, canning, salads and drying for tomato flakes or powder. Prolific vines have good disease resistance!
Garlic Chives Seeds.
If you have never used Garlic chives in your cuisines, I am here to tell you that this is one of the most versatile herbs ever! A favorite of the orients, these work well in almost situation where garlic is needed. I especially love them in soups (garnished or cooked in), oriental cooking such as curries and seafoods. I also make a mean butterfly shrimp using these as a base sautéed olive oil. Use like you would green onions or chives. What I like most about these is that they keep coming back year after year, so just cut yourself some sprigs and watch them come back. Awesome garlicy aroma, awesome flavor! -
As a sauce tomato, Jersey Giant tomato absolutely shines. Don't take my word for it, try a few. Three inch elongated fruits are firm, sweeter and have few seeds. They make some of the thickest spaghetti sauce on the planet. Vines are not too tall and are determined to produce. They begin ripening fruits about 80 days after transplant. Also good for drying for tomato flakes! Great as fried green tomatoes!
When I first grew these, I had to get my French dictionary out to see what the name Jaune Flamme meant. I found out that it means Yellow Flame. A name that is well deserved. Ping pong ball sized fruits are juicy, sweet and delicious. Vines are prolific and should be staked. Fruits begin to ripen about 70 days after transplant. Great selection for market sales. perfect for salads, snacking. Try drying some, they are very intense that way!!
Aurora Fire Marigold
Aurora Fire Marigold is among the prettiest of garden flowers. A great animal and insect repellant in the garden, Aurora Fire is short growing (perhaps 1-2 feet tall). Its blooms are about 2 inches wide. plant a row or intermingle them in your garden as a repellant to common critters. These will bloom all the way till frost. -
Mortgage Lifter Tomato is a large, perhaps one pound tomato, that is everyones favorite. They are on the sweet side, but well balanced with tang and other complimentary flavors. I have grown these for many years and they have never failed me. Delicious fruits begin to ripen about 85 days after transplant. Perfect for market sales! These ill never fail you!
85 Days. Unique, whitish colored fruits that are mottled with greenish spots. Fruits average around the 1 pound mark and are sweetish and rich. Really nice textured flesh. Vines show good disease resistance and produce a good amount of fruits. perfect for sandwiches!
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Uncle E Tomato
Uncle E tomato seeds were given to me by my friend, Mrs. Holder. She explained to me that they had been in her family for over 100 years. I grew them out for the first time in 2008 and I have grown them every year since then. Huge beefsteaks that average 1 to 1.5 pounds of some of the most delicious tomatoes that you will ever taste. 6 foot vines produce plenty fruits that ripen around the 85 day mark and continue through frost. Please see below in the image section for Mrs. Holder's description. We are the original sellers of this cultivar -
Out of stockOne of our best selling varieties of all time, Virginia Sweets tomato is a winner! Like most red and yellow bi-color fruits, this one too, is sweet. It also has plenty of nice, fruity meat, which has great texture. Fruits average around the 1 pound mark, though some get larger! Vines are prolific and have good disease resistance. Virginia Sweets is the perfect main- crop variety. You can expect your first ripened fruits around the 80 day mark.
Amish Paste Tomato
If you have never made great tomato sauce, Amish Paste tomato will take care of that problem. There is NO way that your sauce could go wrong with these. They are in my top 5 sauce tomatoes of all time. Plants produce 3-5 ounce elongated fruits ripen bright red. There are many great sauce and paste tomatoes but this is one of the best! It has the natural consistency for great tomato paste, also. Amish paste is sweet and fleshy and is also a great market, salsa, and cooking tomato. make some ketchup too! Vines are prolific and hardy. They require early and good staking. Click Here if you are looking for more sauce tomatoes. -
Out of stock80 Days! Anna Russian tomato is 6-8 ounce oxheart variety that packs fantastic taste. Plants produce heavy crops of perfect heart shaped, pink fruits. Tomatoes are forward tasting, sweet, juicy and mildly fruity with a medium fir texture. Vines are skinny, tall and have wispy leaves. Stake well and early. One of my favorite oxhearts! Perfect for anything that you wanna do! But this is also a very good market tomato that always keep customers returning to your booth. Feel free to check out our beefsteak category for more awesome varieties, many of which are over one pound. Happy gardening to you!!
Black Krim tomato is perhaps one of the 5 most popular heirloom varieties of all time. A feat such as this could only be accomplished by one thing, QUALITY! This wonderful slicer is an all purpose tomato that can do just about anything. Fruits average about 8-18 ounces and are brownish purple when fully ripened. Black Krim is rich, full flavored and tasty. Vines begin to ripen fruits about 75-80 days after transplant and will produce until frosts kills them. Great sandwich, salsa, drying, garnishing and cooking tomato. It also makes good sauce!
Bull's Heart Orange Tomato
80-85 Days. Bull's Heart Orange is a larger, yellow tomato, that every tomato grower should experience. Wispy, skinny vines, grow about 6 feet tall and bear plenty of perfectly heart shaped fruits. Like most oxhearts, this tomato has great taste appeal. It's smooth, milder, sweetish and rich. It's not oto be remembered! When sliced, you will experience the most beautiful yellow that just smells wonderfully! Stake well! -
I first grew Chyornyi Tarasenko Tomato in 2016 and was excessively pleased with it. Nice sized, shiny, deep chocolate fruits ripen about 80-85 days after transplant. Chyornyi Tarasenko is rich, juicy and more balanced than most. These babies are exceptionally beautiful. Vines are 6 feet tall, produce big crops. Vines are very disease resistant. When sliced, fruits come alive revealing beautiful shade of purples and deep pinks!
Costoluto Genovese Tomato
Costoluto Genovese tomato is the larger sister of Costoluto Florentino. It is beautifully ribbed and shares many of the same characteristics as Fiorentino, except that it may be a bit sweeter in my opinion. Another great sauce tomato, Costoluto Genovese vines are 5 feet tall and produce a big quantity of ribbed fruits. Try drying some, the flavors intensify then! Market sales will excellent with these too! -
Out of stock80 Days. Cour De Bue tomato is a desirable, nice sized oxheart, that will lighten up your garden. When they start ripening they are something to see! Prolific, wispy leaf vines produce plenty 5-10 ounce, pink fruits that are perfectly heart shaped and have a complete tomato taste. Oxhearts aren't usually acidic and Our De Blue isn't either! It's sweet, with great texture, not to forward tasting and perfect for sandwiches and sauces. you must try this one!
70 Days. Czech's Bush tomato is a rugose, regular leaf, dwarf variety, that is loaded with ping pong ball sized cherry tomatoes. Foliage loaded plants are no taller than 2.5 feet and are early to ripen fruits. Tomatoes are milder and have a rich tomato flavor. These are great for salads and fresh eating. Also good for slicing and drying. Great for containers too!
Out of stockEmerald Evergreen tomato is a beautiful ( six to ten ounce) fruit that ripens green. Packed with outstanding fruity flavors, this winner is perfect for sandwiches, green tomato sauce, salsa and slicing. Vines are six feet tall, vibrant and productive. Fruits ripen starting around the 80 day mark. when sliced, Emerald Evergreen is bright green inside and very aromatic. Be sure to stake these well and check fruits for ripeness. When ripened, it's outside is yellowish green. Happy Growing!
Out of stock80 Days. A short, fat sauce-maker, Giant Sicilian Paste makes some of the best sauces and stews. This sweet, meaty tomato, grows on disease resistant vines that are determined to produce. Also a great tomato for slicing and drying, you will harvest tons of these from just one plant. Giant Sicilian Paste tomato is also a great selection for market sales. for us, it encouraged many return customers. Stake well and harvest often!
80 Days. The most productive of all mid-size beefsteaks, this tomato is etched in my memory. Seriously, if you wanted to select a perfect variety as your main crop, plant a few rows of these. Italian Giant Beefsteak tomato averages about 1 pound. Plants are super hardy, blows through diseases and is prolific. Fruits are sweeter, fleshy, rich and balanced. You cannot go wrong with these. For a good size tomato, it's also quite early, coming in at 80 days. Great for sandwiches, cooking, fresh eating right off the vine and so much more! Perfect for any tomato grower!
75-Days. Some of the most unique tomatoes that you would ever grow, Little Lucky Heart tomato is also one of the prettiest. Ping pong ball sized, heart shaped fruits are beautifully, bi-colored. They are so pretty and tasty that you will definitely grow them every year. I am especially fascinated by the fact that these beauties are grown on potato leafed, prolific vines. Fruits are very juicy and balanced with nice fruitiness. Eat a lot because they just keep coming all the way until Fall.! They are perfect for snacking in the garden, salsas, sliced salads, for market production, drying for flakes and so much more! Please visit our oxheart category for more beautiful tomatoes.
Slankards is one of the biggest oxheart varieties that we grow. Each year we harvest many fruits at are at least 1.5 pounds. Tall skinny plants produce abundant crops of pink fruits that are mostly extra large. Fruits begin to ripen about 90 days after transplant and will continue true fall. Fruits are meaty and sweet. Perfect sandwich and sauce tomato!
Out of stockOne of my favorite dwarf tomatoes, Stakeless is a deep red very flavorful fruit. Short tree-like plants have strong bases and produce 3 inch round tomatoes. They begin ripening about 70 days after transplant. . stateless tomatoes are very rich, juicy and tasty. This is a perfect small garden spaces or growing in containers. Try a 4 gallon and larger container. Definitely a dwarf variety that's worth growing.